Have made a current bootstrap at block 516859: YoviCoin_bootstrap_blk516859_Dec.17.2018 https://mega.nz/#!9IMkUCpD!U91upGromIkivvrLPZbqsySarJRk3pLvxYxmn-YR9AM
This is the same chain with the content of May1.2018
For the histroy story here the bootstrap of May1.2018: YoviCoin_bootstrap_blk515956_May.01.2018 https://mega.nz/#!YcNhWCSa!I4q2o5oR0tXC4i1KlbdRJZuZNK6B058Je2pOGnnXzSA
And these here the bootstrap with the first new blocks... YoviCoin_bootstrap_515971 https://mega.nz/#!RQ0AiQpD!OhuumMkTdknNMdHd40EtHrVD-dBJSTyxI64l7l6GvIU
I call all Yovi Wallets! Come on the blockchain and staking your YoviCoins
If someone wants to join in and has no YoviCoins - contact me...
YOVI Windows Client: https://mega.nz/#!4B8SmK6Z!cL9PatGPjcZg9fhgybC0jAkHWfU95nMO4jPkttuneZY