Yet I fail to see where it differs from other altcoins, how the technology or software differs and operates differently from others and WHY someone should actually want to use it.
All I see everywhere is businessmen / salespitch promises that does not go into details like a used car salesmen.
Please enlighten me as I have quite a few backers behind me that are wondering if this is a p&d or something worth to actually give some thought to?
Thanks for your comments... This wont be a P&D coin...
If you researched my history you would know that
I also own which will be accepting it in the weeks to come. Yes... Auctions with CryptoCurrency!
Everyone likes saving money ultimately. I've already converted 2 local businesses who were initially put off by Bitcoin. Hack this hack that isn't good for adoption.
This is one plan that we wont stop on!
When i begin a project i work through things... Work never ends. But since I have to recruit sellers and retailers for bidzone its something that I can also do here... Doesnt take much time either explaining the concept. All sellers and businesses want to know is:
1. If it will save them money in the long run.
2. Get other people involved.
3. SUPPORT!!! - Most coins are unsupported which is where I feel other cryptocurrencies lack. Zonecoin offers support to the non-technical minded folk of this planet.
For mass adoption of a crypto-currency you need to look outside the industry. Most have failed because of this. This is where Zonecoin will prove this theory!
Ultimately likewise with other cryptocurrencies only invest what you can afford to lose however this was one of the core-concepts of Zonecoin. We dont need a pre-mine because we already have a budget to work with from some other commerical backers on the bidzone platform. It doesnt take 10 minutes extra each time we reach out to a business or seller hence why we're not earning anything on this.
As previously mentioned we will be making our finances transparent so that the community isnt fooled or diddled by our actions. We're honest people. We'll let you be the judge of that.