hello, we are planning to launch a beta version in December 2018/January 2019 approx, and yes we are planning to have rules and limits to fund accounts to avoid laundry and other systems.
thanks for your interest.
10 more minutes
Launder you mean?
If they are going to have the KYC and anti-money laundering features, this platform should really be legally registered.
I mean, registered not from far away places like estonia or any other small country that has very loose laws regarding cryptocurrencies, but registered on the region where most of the team members are located.
Usually, they will create a virtual office from never-heard countries so they can get away from taxation things and others.
yes launder, lol.
If all goes well and we get the funds required to develop the casino platform, we were planning to hire lawyers to advise us what would be the
best way to legalize the online casino, paying the lowest tax possible, but always respecting the law. As for the country where the Casino would be located, I agree
that it would have to be a country that has very soft regulations regarding online casinos,because registering a Casino in the US its going to be very expensive.
Yeah, in some way you need to be wise in choosing where you will legalized your operations.
I'm ok with that, as long as you have your legal docs in place so we know who are we after for.
Not just unknown entity that we don't know who to look for.