Hi all,
There are plans to try to kill two birds with one stone. end-users will not be effected in regards to downtime of the AM Blockchain.
The plan is to push out my custom build of AeroME daemon which I'm currently using for the AM-X Platform test builds.
During this same process, shuffle around some nodes which run the AM blockchain..
We have a few options available to us, they are to either a mandatory forced upgrade at a specific block height (call is a fork) or a none-mandatory update to the new custom daemon.
Myself and another dev friend who has assisted in helping me in the past with these issues.. We are both planning the best course of action as we bring services online without interruption to services.
We have a few options available to us which we can see in front of us at the moment. These options can change or be amended in our deployment methods and include:-
1) like I mentioned above, force a mandatory update and switch to the new daemon which I'm using on the AeroME-client at a specific block height.
This method will guarantee everyone will be moved over and no "stragglers" are left behind using older wallet/code. This is the option I favor..
2) Roll out the update/changes without having end-users (the community) be forced to upgrade their wallets and kindly ask you update in your own time.
This option in the past has not been very successful which is why i'm slightly hesitant on this option.
This is just food for thought at the moment but please consider this a "possible" "pre-heads-up" on whats to come.
Nothing will affect the Blockchain we will maintain a legacy blockchain as a fall back option during any transitions and your coins will always be safe. So don't get alarmed.
Unfortunately this is part and parcel of deploying the client and the platform services.
This is one of the reasons why I cannot provide early-access release to you all due to the fact I am developing on custom daemon/blockchain via mainnet.
I have requested community members running OSX to please participate in the early beta testing. IAMCrypto has kindly offered his services I do require about 5-10 OSX users.
So please spread the word.Regards to the Logo issue. It has being modified. And is still not a final revision some changes will be made.
The AM-X Platform Front-end has been moved from staging over to **Closed** LIVE location --
http://aeromeplatform.com/beta/app-landing-page.html (I will open this up soon to a select few).
The version of the client which will be used for tests is ready but is missing some features (Initially I have disabled them) and some basic cosmetic parts which I am working on now.
Thanks guys,