Arizn has accessible in anyone, they represent 9 countries to start the project and package ready to market
and they are 11,000 potential backer, what a nice concept, an interesting project of Arizn .
Hope this project will boom! and many investors will come up.
Thank for info that a good news for us.
Indeed, there are few crowdsales happened in this business where most of them became failed to their ico, only few of them became successful and I think Arizn has a potential and evidence to be one of the successful crowdfunding project due to on their pre-sales they hit 2m$ which is can be considered as one of the achievement, isn't?
What a brillant idea of ARIZN CROWDFUNDING after watching the video i'm very impress and enhance my knowledge.
I'm so very interested on this project. Hope this project will boom! I'm looking forward on this.
they have human representation in 9 countries to assist startups personally with improving their plan, documents and or verification status.
As well as business development.
This will be a free service where the partner with said project, this allows them to put a very string seal of approval for that project.
This is also a crowdfunding platform, it will benefit the certain user in making their profit more convenient for them , using such platform will increase the rate of having 0 issues in the system, which is great in both sides of the story. 9 countries and package to be ready in market, it is not actually a joke because they are very promising to their project and they have 11,000 potential backer which means they have so many supporters. Soon this project will become more successful and gain more investors in the future.
There are few crowd sales happened in this business where most of them became failed to their ICO, it is a good thing that Arizn will help some of them to succeed in their ways, by giving them opportunity to use their platform to have a sufficient fund to run their projects.