
Topic: 📢 [ANN]Black Insurance digital insurance company on the blockchain - page 18. (Read 8014 times)

Activity: 136
Merit: 0
projects that look good
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
Activity: 350
Merit: 10
The block chain project in the insurance industry has a bright future. This project is worth your expectation.
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
Very interesting progect. How can I participate?
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Join us on telegram, not to miss interesting news @BlackInsurance
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Звyчит здopoвo, чтoбы yзнaть бoльшe oб этoм пpoeктe c бoльшим кoличecтвoм oпытныx члeнoв кoмaнды. Цeли Чepнoгo, чтoбы cдeлaть paзличия в бизнece цифpoвoгo cтpaxoвaния, - этo aбcoлютнo oтличныe иннoвaции. Heбoльшoй coвeт - пpeдocтaвить гopaздo бoльшe инфopмaции o тoкeнax. Инвecтopы бyдyт cocpeдoтoчeны нa этoм paздeлe.
We have those information in whitepaper
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Звyчит здopoвo, чтoбы yзнaть бoльшe oб этoм пpoeктe c бoльшим кoличecтвoм oпытныx члeнoв кoмaнды. Цeли Чepнoгo, чтoбы cдeлaть paзличия в бизнece цифpoвoгo cтpaxoвaния, - этo aбcoлютнo oтличныe иннoвaции. Heбoльшoй coвeт - пpeдocтaвить гopaздo бoльшe инфopмaции o тoкeнax. Инвecтopы бyдyт cocpeдoтoчeны нa этoм paздeлe.
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
Solid whitepaper, good team, interesting story.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Black Insurance will use two types of tokens:
Black Platform Token (BLCK). BLCK powers the infrastructure, providing access to the platform and for conducting voting on system updates to the platform (utility token). All platform users will use BLCK for managing insurance on the Black platform, and demand for BLCK will increase as more insurance business is conducted on the platform.
Black Syndicate Tokens (BST) (issued when the platform is ready). BST is an investment in insurance capital, and a specific BST is created for each syndicate (security token), The profitability of the insurance portfolio for a specific syndicate will pass-through to the holders of it’s BST.
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
We won 2nd place in d10e conference and got many contacts with potential investors and partners!

Thx very much for all your support
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
this is a very good project
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
We won 2nd place in d10e conference and got many contacts with potential investors and partners!
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
Black will use the blockchain to transfer risk directly from clients (insureds) to financial backers (Black Syndicate Token holders): minimizing all inefficiencies storing all data securely in blockchains transparent  business operations using smart contracts faster innovation by platform members
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
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