Company records from the UK show that AZbit Ltd had 3 directors.
ERMOLITSKI, Sergei (Azbit CEO)
KUZNIETSOVA, Svitlana (unknown person we have not been able to find)
PRUDNIKOV, Dmitry (Bitsane CTO)
It indicates that at least one person who was a director of AZbit ltd has disappeared. Another person whose identity cannot be verified. Third director is known executive of Azbit.
Michael Yermalitski is a co founder of bitsane and also a co founder of AZbit
Company records from Estonia show that OÜ has had 2 directors.
ERMOLITSKI, Sergei (Azbit CEO)
PRUDNIKOV, Dmitry (Bitsane CTO)
There also appear to be interesting variations to his date of birth:
AZbit in its ICO advertising stated:
So to summarize:
Azbit has been set up by numerous former and current Bitsane employees.
Some of them provided incorrect and inconsistent birth dates on official documents.
AZbit has various different claims about the corporate structure. Some claiming it to be AZbit Ltd, some OU (estonia) and some AZbit AG
Trademarks for AZbit were applied for by a Bitsane employee that is currently missing - along with the exchange and the funds.
Current and former Bitsane employees and founders are listed as Directors / former directors or persons with substantial control of AZbit.
AZBIT has previously used a STOLEN ACCOUNT that they bought to promote their ANN thread: nixon99