
Topic: [ANN][BOUNTY][AIRDROP FOR HOLDERS] - a marketplace on smart-contracts - page 47. (Read 31795 times)

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Funds raised during TGE will be received to a smart-contract, which restricts their withdrawal. Monthly withdrawal cannot exceed 8% of the raised funds.That creates even allocation of budgets and balanced project self-financing for more than 12 months. This period is planned for the project to reach selfrepayment by means of fees received to the team tokens.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Upon TGE completion non-allocated tokens will be burnt, so all token holders will get an extra bonus in the form of increase of their own shares in bonuses distribution.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Early investors will receive a 50% token bonus; that being said, 150 BCS tokens will be deposited for 1 ETH.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Tokens will be available for exchange through reserve within the first few days after TGE is finished.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
This chart represents a scenario when ALL of the BCS tokens have been sold during TGE procedure and the reserve is empty. In the case if some tokens were not sold during TGE,or some tokens are in reserve, amount of bonus tokens to receive would be higher then is shown on the chart.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Owner of BCS tokens can check (for free) how many bonus tokens he would get for one BCS token and decide if it's profitable for him to make an exchange or continue accumulating of bonus tokens. The longer he accumulates bonuses the more profitable the exchange gets.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
A large part (80%) of the commission collected on the platform goes to provide ETH value of bonus tokens.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
At the stage of the project operation, tokens will serve for exchanging for bonuses among their holders. Bonuses can be used to pay for goods
and services inside platform
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
We constantly monitor technological development and consider the possibility of integration with other blockchains supporting smart contracts, which offer enough opportunities to implement functionality.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
A vendor does not need to have a database or any other centralized server for transactions record. In fact, anyone can be vendor without participation of an additional intermediary of any kind, one only needs their home computer to do that.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0 has a built-in system for rating each product, and it automatically creates a summary rate for the vendor, based on all the products offered by the vendor.Rating mechanisms are integrated into the smart contract, which guarantees for data authenticity, and it eliminates the possibility of commonly used fraud ratings.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0 offers its users the chance to keep up with the times, broaden the range of potential customers with cryptocurrency holders. Our service is not a just another payment gate, but a fully-featured solution for the future economy based on blockchain.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Payment within the service means transferring Ethereum cryptocurrency for digital product or service (DPS) to the smart contact defining the conditions of sale/providing this DPS
Activity: 28
Merit: 0 has a built-in system for rating each product, and it automatically creates a summary rate for the vendor, based on all the products offered by the vendor.
Rating mechanisms are integrated into the smart contract, which guarantees for data authenticity, and it eliminates the possibility of commonly used fraud ratings.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Bлaдeлeц BCS тoкeнoв мoжeт caмocтoятeльнo бecплaтнo пocмoтpeть, cкoлькo eмy пoлoжeнo бoнycныx тoкeнoв зa 1 BCS тoкeн и peшить, пpoизвoдить ли oбмeн, либo пpoдoлжить нaкoплeниe бoнycoв. Чeм дoльшe влaдeлeц кoпит бoнycы, тeм выгoднee для нeгo иx пocлeдyющee пoлyчeниe
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Ha этaпe фyнкциoниpoвaния пpoeктa, тoкeны бyдyт cлyжить для для пoлyчeния бoнycoв для cвoиx влaдeльцeв. Бoнycы мoгyт быть иcпoльзoвaны для pacчeтoв зa тoвapы и ycлyги внyтpи
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Mы cлeдим зa paзвитиeм тexнoлoгий и paccмaтpивaeм вoзмoжнocть
интeгpaции в бyдyщeм c дpyгими блoкчeйнaми c пoддepжкoй cмapт-
кoнтpaктoв, имeющими дocтaтoчнo вoзмoжнocтeй для peaлизaции
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Cиcтeмa oцeнoк opгaнизoвaнa нa ypoвнe cмapт-кoнтpaктoв и ocнoвaнa нa oпытe тoлькo peaльныx пoкyпaтeлeй
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
All transactions are performed by using the Ethereum blockchain. With it, an average transaction completion time is just a few minutes, regardless of the
sender and recipient location.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0 solves the problem of conversion fees by avoiding using its own currency and instead, maintaining all transactions in “native” Ethereum currency. That being
said, by working with our service users will save time and money.
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