Musk is the COIN, not token.We have completed the Musk Coin project that we were working on it as "The Musk Project"for a long time. We tried to present the project to you with the most simple words and easy expression. We thank to everyone that support us in an important and great project like this.
We are ready to help our all supporters!
For more information, you can reach us via address.
The Musk Project Team
www.muskproject.comWallet login: wallet: project(not active now): campaign:
NewestBounty campaign Started.ICO campaign Started.
Two parts of ICO successfully completed
Wallet developed for desktop and mobile.
Two last parts of ICO successfully completed.
Agreements with exchange platforms started
project submission for entrepreneurs active
began to develop the own exchange platform
Notes: Added new payment method ETH. (23.03.2018)
Text For Translate:ENTRANCEThere are thousands of recorded not-encrypted money according to Coinmarketcap. Most of it is not active and they do great job only in terms of palm development. The reason of high popularity of cryptocurrency is that it carries out the techonologic revolutions of the world so fast. It also triggers symtematic revolutions and changes besides technologic development. Cyrptocurrency is an important part of this fast change.
Now, while tens of ICO (Initial Coin Offering) happens every month, hundreds of cyrptocurrency continues to be traded in coin stock market thanks to coin demands. Cyrptocurrency has been going through a nonassessable development process in the last 3-4 years and continues to cause a change in monetary system. Musk Project aims to play an important role in cryptocurrency world consistently and the beneficial ideas to go into operation with its own block chain.
What is Musk Coin?Mush Coin, is a decentralized, high technological, block-based new generation trade and angel investment platform that enables to make transaction with its opportunity no load transfer fee founded under the name of Musk Project. Musk Project started to be developed with its own block chain technology with its slogan “ I’m not a super hero, I’m a super cryptocurrency” in 2017 and set off to be the future cryptocurrency of the future. Moreover, the Musk Project which has been open to new ideas and projects for years will be able to find new ideas and new audience thanks to this project. It is also created to be used easily by shop owners, online shopping websites and other platforms by choosing its developer, innovator and experienced team.
Musk Coin (MSK) which was produced in a limited number also lets creating token. It makes all the transactions transiently on p2p applications by using its own block chain by its experienced developers. In addition, API platform was created for the entegration of Musk anf other party applications. I want to start with the concept of enterpreneurship before the concept of angel investor. Besides being a term used for a long time, enterpreneurship has come until today growingly. But, it is hard to define what enterpreneurship is with explicit lines. Most people says it has come to their mind when they hear or see a new idea. The difference of enterpreneurs is that put them into practice at the same time. Then, we can define the enterpreur as the person who founds mercantile business by determining a need and make it into a busineess idea and taking the risks over. If so, does he become an enterpreneur if anyone with and idea put himself on the market? At this point, we should mention the tiny line between enterprize and enterpreneurship.
Who is an enterpreneur?An enterpreneur is the one with dreams, that can take risks and gets organized by observing the opportunities and that has necessary knowledge and skills. When it comes to enterprize, the question asked shortly before comes to minds. To jump into a market without any plans makes it hard to survive in that market. This idea is related to enterprize.
Who is angel investor?Angel investors can be anybody or a platform generally with enough finance. You have an idea that has not been heard before or you want to evaluate a project by putting a new point of view to it. You set a course for your idea, your presentation is ready. You believe in your project and do not hesitate for a second if it wil be successful or not. The only missing part is to find somebosy that will provide you with financial support.
At this point, angel investor steps in. Angel investors provides fund for the business to develop and get bigger by investing on business opportunity which is at start-up level. In other words, they are special investors that provides fund for the firms that have high risk or high development potencial at the very beginning of their foundation.
On addition that they purchase share according to the amount of their invest, they generally suggests individual support and consultancy. Together with financial factors, economic, social personal reasons effect the investment decisions. The angel investors who sees no harm in adding their insights into the decision process prefers to be a part of the enterprize until checking out this invest.
The increase in the networks of angel investors and the laws enacted in this fields lately are promising. To work in a network has a big importance to move forwards faster than your rivals. Among the basic features of this networks are the share of idea and information, getting help, meeting people and setting a connection in between, making a relationship without any benefits and being able to keeping this relationship.
Make your ideas happen with Musk!Musk is a noncentral blockchain platform that devotes itself to new ideas and projects and provides individuals and foundations to present their project offers.Musk Project evaluates incoming ideas and projects and eliminates the inappropriate ones and targets the potencial users that it considers as beneficial. There is no certain idea or limit targeted. As it seems in our sneak peek, it is going to support every idea or project that seems impossible and will contribute the world future with the concept of “nothing is impossible”.
Why Musk Coin?I have to say that 90% of the tokens created in cryptocurrency world are completely fake. Because, as you see, is a little bit marketing.Even the tokens that serves no technology can get around 40.000-50.000 $ by using the simple marketing tips and giving hope. When we look in the past, there are lots of coins and tokens that are ruined (so to say, swindled).It is somehow a piece of cake to realize if the coins or tokens created are fake or not but the ones who do not know what the blockchain is, see cryptocrrency as gamble and invest in with the idea of “what if it happens” are generally the side that loses money ( swindled).
Therefore, the aim of Musk is to choose the proffessional project search team and the presented projects and gather them under a single roof. Musk Project determines the the projects that are appropriate for its target and suports. The other projects that wins a qualifying heat but not appropriate for the target are presented to the community and angel investors. The presented projects are invested at the end of smart contracts and certain agreements and gets into practice.
What are the features of Musk?Among the most important features of Musk come the performance and security. As you know, the most important factor in every field that money transaction exists is security. So Musk Project targeted to create a system that could do thousands of transaction in a second with no problem and a a team experienced in security and team friends that revolutionized on this and it made it.
Moreover, the Musk Team that disaproves the jawdropping transfer fees offers the chance of to make transaction as no-load transfer.
Musk Project that prioritises the easy usage and simplicity prepared a API WRAPPER that is easy fpr developers and other platforms.
Noncentral own blockhain base
High performance with high technology
The chance of thousand of transactions in a second
Free comission fee
API platform for other services
Pictographic user interface in sync with all browsers
Its own online wallet with simple usage for tradeWhat are the system functions?Musk coin benefits fronm RSA algorithm while creating a wallet. Your Musk private and public passwords are infact the RSA keys encrypted with base64. When you log on the system, base64 datas are disintegrated and verifies if your keys match or not. If your key matches, you can reach the wallet interface and you can make fast, easy and no-load transactions.
What is RSA algorthym?RSA, is a encrypting technic based on the difficulty of transacting with too big integers. This algorythm is named from the first letters of the developers’ called Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman first and last names.
FeaturesIt is an asymmetrical encrypting algorythm. Instead of using only one key as in the encrypting, two keys used one of which is private key and the other is public key.
ıts degree of reliability is in proportion with the superiority of the prime numbers used in encryption.
It enables to make authentication with digital signature and safe data sharing especially in the systems with many users.
The numeric superiority of the key to be used is also important for the high speed besides system reliability. The necesaary superiority to reach enough reliability degree is determined by using Eliptical Curve Coding algorythm (ECC).
AdvantagesSymmetrical coding makes private key sharing essential for the side that takes the coded data to decode it. But there is no need to share the private key because RSA is an asymmetrical coding system. The private keys of users are not needed to be kept. This frees the system from the burden of a big storage.Because it is hard to transact with big numbers, it is a decoding technic with extreme reliability.