excited to be part of the community.
but i got one heart-burning question..
how can i transfer my wallet from my android to the windows wallet?
Its a long progress but it goes like this:
1. Open MyBitcoinZ and go to settings
2. Click your wallet under Wallets & Integrations
3. At the bottom click More Options then click "Export Wallet"
4. It will require you to put in a password, enter a password and select Download
5. Save the .json file somewhere safe
6. Open .json file with notepad
7. Navigate to
https://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/demo/ 8. Copy and paste .json file contents into Ciphertext box
9. Enter Password into the Password text box
10. Click the "Decrypt" arrow above the Ciphertext box
11. In the box that says Plaintext, find where it says xPrivKey and copy the key - ie, copy the bold portion
:: "xPrivKey":"xprv9s21ZrQH143K4AQUJKjefk34jdlfkdf99383kjfkJFwkfjekJkaeipqFKKEM3434"
12. Navigate to
https://bip32jp.github.io/english/ 13. Copy xPrivKey into BIP32 Extended Key
14. Select BIP 44 k'th account i'th keypair (receive) from the Derivation Path dropdown
15. Typically Account and Keypair Index will be 0, if you've used any but the first public address assigned to you by MyBitcoinZ wallet, you'll have to change this. I'll explain how to figure that out below.
16. Copy the field Private Key (WIF)
17. Open swing wallet, click Wallet dropdown, import one private key and paste the Private Key (WIF) into the input box
If you're not using the first address given to you by MyBitcoinZ wallet
1. All the information is the same except when you navigate to the website in step 12
2. You'll find your Wallet Addresses under "Wallet Addresses" under Settings -> More Options
3. Find the wallet address you need, you'll see xpub/0/1, xpub/0/2, etc. The last number is what you'll put into Keypair index on the website in step 12 which will recover the funds from that wallet address into your swing wallet