I wanted to make an update.
1. We have covered all the initial roadmap other than messaging.
2. We have successfully programmed z_address into the MyBitcoinZ wallet. Which allows for zero knowledge transactions from your mobile, or desktop computer.
3. With z_address you can add a memo, I am currently programming a messenger which will work on the BitcoinZ blockchain utilizing z_address and zero knowledge transactions from your mobile or desktop.
This means you can message other z_addresses with zero knowledge, and real privacy. The cost for each message is 0.0001 the current transaction fee.
There will be an update to the MyBitcoinZ wallet on all platforms soon, which will fix the USD conversion rate to BTCZ and some other fixes and conflicts addressed in the update.
After this update, the next update will have the z_address wallet functions which you can send and receive transactions with the zkSNARKs technology.
The third update, which will be in the first quarter of 2018. Will hold messaging functions.
4. BitcoinZ Masquerade is still in the works, it will require another chain which takes the contracts and automates and matches all transactions. This is serious and well thought out. I would expect this
to be released in a testing phase with Bitcoin, in the third quarter of 2018.
All of these are serious milestones for crypto. As we have never seen zkSNARKs in action on a mobile phone, nor BitcoinZ linked to an exchange blockchain which automates 'exchange' transactions to other crypto.
All this sounds pretty cool. Just found this thread.