set your reward assignment to 10745596296835956940 (BURST-L28E-WSYC-F4N3-B82AC)
mining URL : port 80
make sure you are using correct mining program for this pool
Java Miners [ ] for OSX, Windows, Linux
DCCT Miners [ ] for Linux-x86_64
more mining instruction :
more detail about pool :
- No Deadline Limit
- 1.5% Pool Fee
- Instant Payout, no registration required (only reward assignment)
- 10 Burst Minimum Payout
- Node.JS + WebSocket based pool
please post on this thread for any questions or suggestion
That pool is looking way better and no deadline limit. I might switch to that once my ~28TB of storage can't get a 1~2 blocks a day.
yup no deadline limit, until we got spammed by invalid shares... LOL LOL
please use correct miner i give you on the link or on the site
my next project is to create better mining protocol
since currently we are still using poll-ed based mining, i am planing to create stratum like protocol to reduce net trafic
unless dev already did it
What measures are used to minimize invalid shares on the pool?
invalid shares are rejected by pool's wallet anyway and their share does not count by pool,
but their traffic is annoying and hurting my eyes