To generate plots, how to determine the plot value. I just gave the value as 824000 for 200 GB. Will this be enough. I also have a 1.5 Tb space, how much plot to allocate? pls help !!
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\java -Xmx1200m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate 1007041384185016045 0 824000 500 5
Plot size is calculated as (tb*1024*1024*1024)/256 or (gb*1024*1024)/256.
thank you !!
one more question, i am having multiple computers, can i use the same account number (1007041384185016045 ) for all the computers? or do I have to download the wallet in different computers and generate new account for each for plotting ?
i would like to know this too, can you run the same wallet on different computers, (harddrives here and there all combining hashrate)?