we can create opencl kernel of this code : https://github.com/BurstProject/pocminer/blob/master/src/pocminer/util/MiningPlot.java
nonce argument is any nonce u want, addr is ur account number
we can bruteforce any nonce within 240 seconds each block using GPU
and broadcast the best nonce that produce lowest deadline
assuming GPU can do shabal256 at 1 GH/s , that is equal to 240 Giga Nonce (240 secs blocktime) which is equal to 60 GB of disk space ( 1 nonce = 0.25MB )
and again, getting into 1 TB disk space performance, will require atleast 17 GPU (assuming 1 GH/s is accurate)
conclusion : if it is near 1 GH/s its cheaper to use harddrive than GPU
and loking at a glance of shabal256 it is really cheap in computation, i think we really need replace shabal with more memory intensive algo such as scrypt or something to make harddrive mining is far more efficient than GPU or future ASIC
this is my understanding after reading the miner code,
using disk space
and after using GPU, without disk