Speaking of different miners, I am having a hard time finding instructions for the miner that is just "miner.exe" I don't know for sure, but I think that's blago's miner. Now, I can't find the page with the information on how to setup the miner's config. Can someone kindly point me to the right place? Thanks!
I would also like to test blago's miner, as I had problems with Uray's miner on windows not reading the files fast enough for certain blocks and have heard blago's should perform the best, so I'm curious to try it out.
miner-burststable version. (tested Win7 x64)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y6ar5kks2vgarrd/miner-burst-1.141006.zip?dl=0* fixed crashes
+ add new bugs
sdl - sent deadlines
rdl - recieve confirms deadlines
ss - sent getMiningInfo to server
rs - recieved getMiningInfo from server
(0) - errors
miner.exe -config your_conf_file_name
miner.exe -config c:\bla-bla\your_conf_file_name
"Mode" : "pool" or "solo"
"Server" : address or IP server's
"CacheSize" : 100000 (how many nonces calculate)
"ShowMsg" : false (show server's messages)
"ShowUpdates" : false (show server's update-messages)
"UseSorting" : true (sorting deadlines before sending)
"SendInterval": 300 (in ms, time interval for sending)
"UpdateInterval": 3000 (in ms, time interval for updating)
if, after processing all the files you do not see 100% - you have a problem with files.
In the absence of parameters used default values.
Tested at Uray's pools & solo.
Don't set SendInterval & UpdateInterval too low
In "pool" mode miner have not deadlines limit, if server not support targetDedline
In "solo" mode deadlines <= 10 days (864000s)
https://github.com/Blagodarenko/miner-bursthttps://i.imgur.com/FRRnv0z.jpgit finds both my plots but doesnt mine. I have it set to pool.