Is there a C miner for Windows that can solo mine?
I am using the original java miner on windows. 64 bit windows box, 64 bit java. It scans through a 4TB harddisk in not much time, even a USB 3.0 i'd say it takes less than 15 seconds. Memory usage is a bit elevated, after running 24 hours, i have 8 java miners (mining each their own HD) , and the java wallet on the same pc, all these java programs using from 243MB to 1584MB RAM.
I guess perhaps a C miner would use less memory. Speed is not really an issue, unless you symlink a lot of large drives or perhaps use a largish NAS or something. I would assume that the speed is limited by the drive bandwidth anyways, so C would perhaps not speed up mining more than a smallish constant.
The java miner has been seen to crash intermittedly, usually due to teporary memory shortage or something. I fixed this by running it from a batch file with a goto statement. As soon as one of my miners crash, it gets restarted by the batch file. This setup seems to work pretty well unattended, but i must admit that a few times a week, i have had to intervene, most of the problems have been fixable and due to other stuff on the computer, and won't come back.