How did you get this info? what's your source? that block explorer on the O.P is kinda deceiving. I wish there was a site less flashy and more detailed.
I wrote a script that queries my local burst wallet for the baseTarget for every block. The baseTarget can be used to calculate the total network size.
It's a little but of a manual process, but here's the ruby script I run to update the data (requires the 'rest-client' gem):
require 'rest_client'
class ApiClient
def initialize(url = 'http://localhost:8125/burst')
@url = url
def request(type, args = {})
url_args ={|a, b| "#{a}=#{b}"}.join('&')
request_url = "#{@url}?requestType=#{type}"
request_url += '&' + url_args if url_args
def print_last_blocks(target)
api_client =
genesis_time = Time.utc(2014, 8, 11, 2)
status = api_client.request('getBlockchainStatus')
lastBlock = status['lastBlock']
output = []
loop do
block = api_client.request('getBlock', {block: lastBlock})
array = %w{height baseTarget timestamp}.map{|s| block[s]}
array << (genesis_time + block['timestamp']).to_s.gsub(' UTC', '')
array << 2.0 ** 64 / block['baseTarget'].to_i / 4 / 240 / 1024 / 1024
output << array.join(',')
lastBlock = block['previousBlock']
break if block['height'] <= target + 1
puts output.reverse.join("\n")
Then, from an irb shell, I just run something like "print_last_blocks(13000)" (I change 13000 so that it only prints the blocks since the last time I ran it), and it spits out a bunch of comma separated values that I copy and paste into a gnumeric spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet, I have a dynamically computed column for the 360 block moving average.