Zyronx ~ If you live near a military base ... go to goodwill store for camo. And tell Norma I said HEY !
I think your ads are GREAT !
thanks, I need the money first though. I know a couple girls with fashion making skills. maybe if I can get the material they can make some sexy outfits.
its funny how there is a vocal minority that are feminist on here. never thought I would hear this coming from guys. unless they are girls and i misread their screen names. So far a few from the C2 board loves woman in the ads. nothing hotter then girls with guns. I played tomb raider because Lara Croft was in those ads and as the main character. I watch the Resident Evil Movies because Alice is kicking ass as the main character. and those movie are not everyones favorite yet i like them. and they use her as the selling point. Go to ign.com right now. what do you see . Whats her face playing Mystic, and a hot blonde talking about GTA. also not game related go check out the site followthecoin there is a cute asian girl talking about alternate currency. I watch that becuase I'm a straight male and I like getting information from a attractive woman. Sue me if you want if I know how to target the known demographic. you naysayers are the minority , Sex sells and its a given! LOL!
I'm sorry if my quick ads have stirred your frustration. Better ads are coming! thanks for your idea again!
If its male members that are claiming you are being feminist then yeah its the whole standard thing that always happens with the "oh lets defend anything that even remotely looks like its a against women" "lets claim every single little thing feminist because i personally think it portrays women wrong"
it's usually subjective bullshit from someone who thinks they are fighting the good fight for feminists , when really equal rights for women doesn't require knight in shining amour complex's , it actually in itself defeats the purpose of women fighting for equality....a man trying to defend her constantly towards anything that might be considered "bad"
But anyways onto your photos, i wanna say first that i don't wanna sound like i am ripping apart what you have done, seriously you are among the top 1% of people who have actually done something instead of sat on their ass in their chair laptop on lap barking orders and opinions and suggestions and fuck all else. You are one of those very few who have gotten up and done something for the coin you believe in and that is incredible in itself. considering 99% of people here are armchair critiques , where the most strenuous activity they have to do all day is decide whether to make lunch or order take out. oh and type how they believe that such and such a coin would be worth 100+ million dollar market cap by now if they had only listened to what they said.
You actually have gone above and beyond what most supporters of this coin have done.
I think the main problem people are having is the way the pictures as a whole look, they are not Shooting/army/fps/war shots, they are just women posing with guns with a background shot. If it was more seamlessly put together i think there would be fewer feminist sympathisers if the shot looked more like the model was part of the shot and not just a sexy little add on.
Making the model the secondary focus would also help in this area. i don't know if that makes sense or not . but like if you had 2 scenes .
Tank firing off a round into the distance, Model standing posing in front of tank all sexy dressed and serious face pose.
Tank firing off into the distance, also you make out a beautiful woman climbing on top of the tank throwing a grenade into the top of the tank while under fire.
You don't want just a sexy woman, you want a sexy, powerful and courageous woman. Powerful female lead characters sell Movies, tv and games
Now i understand that budget wise anything showing a tank is out of the question most likely, but as an example of how the model should be placed in the scene, not as the direct centre of attention blocking out what else is going on, but being part of that scene and playing a role in it.
Are the girls in your shoots actual models? or looking to maybe become models?
If so there is a psychological scientific* method that help with the expressions and facial features for when taking emotion specific shots. Model's are pretty stereotypical known as being "air heads" and pretty stupid, but their control of their faces to portray emotions are the best in the world, there are literally thousands of different facial expressions , each one saying one or many different things at once, even subtle combinations of many different emotions if the situation demands of it. Now usually these models have been practising these sorts of things for literally thousands if not tens of thousands of hours to hone their skills. Just like any art or activity , the master violinist has had literally tens and tens of thousands of hours playing that violin , it has become an extention of his body, a masterpiece painting isn't just done by some guy who picked up a paintbrush and thought "oh hey ill give this ago" these guys have literally dedicated most of their waking life doing that 1 thing honing and improving on that one thing until it is as natural as breathing.
Now the reason i mention Micro expressions training is because instead of the thousands of hours that are required to become an expert in said field, reading thru a bit of micro expressions training will allow you to improve your skills and a much faster rate , so with only a week or so of learning and reading and trying in front of the mirror would give you a few months of training on its own.
i must mention that micro expressions training is primarily used in lie detection. which is subjective as to complete validity currently. (In the validity of detecting lies.)
but using it for the secondary reason is the main purpose for learning it, to understand each individual emotion, and which exact and specific muscle groups are used when feeling exact specific emotions. How to genuinely lie on camera how to pull off the perfect emotion that is required.
But yeah i think the main problem people are having is that in their view it looks like it is just selling sex at the moment. a sexy woman posing for the camera . Where as if the shot was of a woman in the midst of a battle scene or sniper lookout team and it is more "natural observer" looking instead of pose for camera looking. then i think you would have less crazy feminist sympathisers bitching and moaning.
while it may offend some users of a sensitive disposition what i have said about feminists, i would like to add i whole heartedly believe in equality of the sexes . and also equality for everyone for that matter. what i am not for is people subjectively seeing oppression against women in everything they look at. Mistaking their own personal opinion with that of the general population and thus labelling it how they see fit and trying to fight some imaginary cause they themselves have created, nor do i believe equality involves bringing people down to a lower level