I have a new, local, reliable dev team working on the game. Details to come shortly!
I posted a longer thread earlier but my "dev team" deleted it. I changed my password. No problems now!
Here are the quick specs:
It will be Torque 3d open source game engine (maybe leadwerks) depending on who I pick to run the team!
Game will be a FPS set in modern times
Initial download will be bought with C2.1 as well as in-game features.
Tournaments will be held where winner will be able to profit. Stay tuned
To the old dev team:
Well I guess there is no point in releasing Coin2j or the android wallet then? Right? since you "Got it"
Honestly, I dont care what you do.
Joel, have you got some cheap C2 to profit from?
After all what happened here regarding you, seems this is just another fake announcement by your cunning mind.
When you left the team, other team members were working as much as they can to keep this coin alive.
Then you came back with the hype that from that moment Coin2.1 will be brought to new heights. After some moments again no word from you for weeks, and lately you come up with your proud harshness.
What the person you are???
You posted longer thread earlier... Why don't you do it now, after the password has been changed.
A new local, reluable dev team.... Can you afford programmers, designers etc., or those are volunteers.
Joel, your activities are highly doubtfull.