I've transferred my C2 to bittrex about 2 hours ago, but there isn't still even shown a pending deposit.
Transaction ID please
Status: 0/unbestätigt
Date: 14.04.2014 23:09
Debit: -48750.00 C2
Net amount: -48750.00 C2
Transaction ID: ca0ab481c19fe8821b4282e508e30ef26a1bebdab922127cce989bf5b427db3c
Please check your wallet for connections. It doesn't look like its been broadcasted on the blockchain.
My wallet is synced. But I have only 1 connection. Are there some nodes?
Try to close you wallet and to open it again. If it doesn't work, you will find solutions in this page:
I tried reopen wallet again and also added the addnode, but nothing helped.
Can somebody please explain this?
You will find this parameter in the Settings menu > Options, Network tab