As I said: Coin2 CoC Devs and contributed community members are mostly novices and amateurs starter. Learning process takes lot of times. Even multimillions production company will take approx. a year to roll out one fully functional beta. It would be magic for Coin2 produces one fully functional game within months. You couldn't compare with those games in the 90s run without require a networking which player simply against computer program instead of play via network to each other.
So as any other game app. 1st need a story drafted, then with scripts and planning, then programming flowchart to smooth out level by level, networking programming etc. Well! You're in the film industry, you should understand the entire process to produce a film. Usually take 1 plus yr just put thing together before filming...
Regarding value of Coin2, if you're upset on downhill slide, then regrettable to let you know this is crypto world. All coins itself worth 0 in value unless there are some tangible product or service to back it. . It's the hype produce by speculators to scheme a few bucks in the form of grand pyramid scheme begins from BTC. Fortunately, BTC adoptions slowly moving main stream, however no guarantee it would not worth 0 next week. IMHO only
If you feel like talk about it, we could direct line discuss. Sometime pick up the mess fix it, is a more fun & challenge project may produce bitter sweets return...
So, why do such a complex FPS project? why not do a simple project first? making a online wallet like exchange and then developing a simple game and to release it.After attracting investors and players and even other games to use C2,the C2 team can hire software Engineers to develop more complex game.Step by step, C2 price also can keep a level.
But now,many people have bought C2,you find many excuses to hope geting understanding form community.
If the C2 state is still like this,more and more people will leave us and community.
I dont see anything as an excuse. We got a couple projects in the works other then the fps. Soon those will be released into the news.
Everyone wants success fast. This is not going to happen instantly. Stay tuned for good news coming soon!
No man, this is not how it works. Price wont go anywhere if you just decide to introduce a project when it is 100% ready or all at once. In crypto price need to be maintain. The community need more information about projects, more proof of work to keep the coin alive. you cannot expect to have people invest their own money and sit down waiting months and months for almost nothing!!!!
I am sorry but the lack of interest has caused this community to dump their coin, people got tired of waiting they lost hope and are still losing hope. If your initial way of working isn't working then change it. Stop hiding every single update trying to save it and surprise us all it is simply useless at this point because the only thing happening right now are heavy dumps and as i said previously every time the coin fall 100% it takes twice as much btcs to get the price back even more if the dumpers wait a higher price.
Keep your community alive by updating on everything.
Are you insane? we have had a ton of great updates the last week. where have you been? We have hid nothing! How is it our fault people don't want to invest. that is their problem if they are dumping at such a low price. its there loss and others gain!