I'm not familiar with OS X libraries, but I'm happy to proide feedback on software.
Thank you for that.
I've not had time to investigate yet but the notion is: in order to function at all, the GUI wallet needs to recruit functionality from third-party (i.e. non-Apple) libraries which are unlikely to be available on the user's machine, so one strategy is to compile the library code into the app, thus avoiding the issue.
So, the fact that it's looking for a library on your machine is a primary fail - it shouldn't be looking for anything if the compilation was appropriately configured. In a triumph of hope over experience, I assumed that when XCode offered to compile a "Release", it would do the obvious and necessary thing and compile in the static code. Not so, it appears - and if it can't find libminiupnpc then it almost certainly won't be able find any of the other libraries that I so naively thought would be bundled in with the app.
I just need to mug up on XCode, find out what switches to press to get the desired output.
Of course, I have all the required libraries (in order to compile the app), so it never complains when
I test it. But the total file size of the app should be a reasonable guide and if one library's statically compiled, they're all statically compiled (in principle, natch).