if they're worth 40cents with one useful clambiz (justdice) they'll be worth 3x that with two, and 5x that with 3. its exponential
Why would they be worth 3x with 2 places to use clam? And why 5x with 3 places?
1) If it is truly exponential then each extra service multiplies the price by the same amount. Since 1->2 multiplies by 3, 2->3 should also multiply by 3, so it should be 9x with 3.
2) But it isn't exponential. After JD started taking CLAM, bitdice.me and fortunejack.com also started accepting it, but the price didn't increase much at all on that news. bustaclam.com too.
It would be nice if it could be done just through the network (some kind of proxy staking) somehow, again to avoid giving someone *control* (not ownership) over your clams.
I've looked at doing something like that in the past, but came to the conclusion that it's probably not a good idea. If there was some way of giving "staking rights" to a third party without also giving "spending rights", then more people would feel comfortable signing away their staking rights. That would lead to bigger staking pools. Currently JD doesn't have much competition, because it is the most trusted, and so even though smooth's pool is free, people would rather pay the 10% for "a name they can trust". If you didn't need to trust smooth, everyone would stake with him, and he'd be able to 51% the network. I think it's best for that reason not to separate "staking rights" from "spending rights", to force people to think seriously about who they trust to stake their coin.
None of that is any reflection on smooth's character. I'm only using him as an example of "someone with less rep than JD".
The boys tell me that can block access to the Internet wallet? I is a firewall, but I do not know how to set it up (I set up his friend). It seems it is called Comodo ...
It's hard to understand what you're asking. I don't know of any web wallets for CLAM (unless you count JD, bitdice, etc.). The CLAM client won't listen for RPC commands on external interfaces by default - it only listens on localhost. Comodo seems to be a company that issues SSL certificates.
If you can be clearer in what it is you're asking, I can hopefully help you better.
If the digger has stopped, what is the difference between now and 2 months ago (except 90% lower value and a bit higher supply)?
The price seems loooooow.
I think part of it is that before this massive dig, people were kind of believing that it would never really happen. "Sure there are a bunch of big wallets out there, but if anyone was going to dig them they would have done it by now". But now that it happened once, people realise that it can easily happen again. Then there's also the fact that we were probably going through a price bubble when he started, too. The price was rising steadily, so nobody was selling, so the price was rising... A sudden increase in supply can easily burst such a bubble.
Note also that it's not only a "bit higher supply". Before the digger the supply was 500k staked + 330k dug = 830k. Now it's 650k staked + 830k dug = 1480k, so the supply has almost doubled in the last 3 months. Even if we don't count staking, the digger's 500k represents a 60% inflation of the money supply as a percentage of the 830k supply we had when he started (500.0 * 100 / 830 = 60.24).
Edit: updated digging charts show it has really flattened off since our whale digger stopped:
Edit2: I miss KLYE. That last chart is clearly in need of a few more lines to turn it into a dinosaur with a gigantic penis.