I'm just going to recommend that we not go with a cool, edgy sounding name. I don't want this to sound like some underground illegal currency for the punk hackers. We want this to be taken seriously by serious investors. Why not private send and privacy shield. Explains what it is, straight forward and sounds like something serious adults would want. Just my two cents.
Edit:also enigma is associated with the nazi and was encryption that was broken so I don't like that at all
i agree, i think private send and private shield are the right names for that functions in the wallet. everyone will understand it - self explained.
i have the vision of a wallet that works this way:
user download setup.exe (or apt-get, yum, ...) - start it - blockchain from frist block up to last night will be downloaded from webseeds and 10 min later the wallet is open. everything works, looks nice and clear and is easy to use. cloakshield is allways active (why should someone deactivate?) and posa transactions are default (and mybe the one and only possibility) - for this vision are the suggested names from aknutty the best suggestion.
cloakcoin, enigma, diskret... does this realy fit from your point of view? at least its not realy important. the branding is CLOAKCOIN not posa3 or cloakshield, its a description of a function i think.
imagine if your sendbutton in email client is called "homer" and delete is called "hiroshima" or something like that... does this realy make sense???