
Topic: 🔥🔥[ANN] - Latest Bitcoin News and ICO Press Release 🔥🔥 (Read 519 times)

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Tapatalk is one of the most well-known mobile forum application in the world. The company recently sealed a deal with the Kin Foundation to reward its 300 million plus user base for posting quality content on its platform.

The platform hosts more than 200,000 forums spread across 186  countries. The company plans to reward users in Kin tokens through this new partnership as a means to build user-engagement.

Winter Wong, CEO, Tapatalk said -

“Tapatalk’s integration of Kin marks a noteworthy development in our expansion to reach new users and cultivate further engagement within the broader forum community. The mechanics of Kin will surely benefit existing forum users while bringing new users into the fold of vibrant, active online discussion communities.”

The platform will also enable users to tip each other using their Kin balance, similar to how Twitter and Reddit use tipping apps.

Dany Fishel, President, Kin -

“People contribute to online communities on a daily basis, but there isn’t an easy way for them to rewards other users for their contribution to the discussion. We believe that Tapatalk will be a strong example of how Kin easily facilitates peer-to-peer transactions in apps once users being rewarding each other for the creation of meaningful, engaging content.”

Kin announced back in June that an avatar-based social network IMVU will enable users to earn Kin, this platform is yet to reach its deployment stages.

Kin was created by Kik, the social messaging platform which was able to raise $97 million during its Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Currently, Kin runs on an ERC-20 token standard based on the Ethereum platform.

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Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has warned its citizens against 14 companies that provide cryptocurrency related services. The regulatory team says that these operators are not authorized to conduct digital currency-related business in the country.  According to the reports, as of now, only seven companies are temporarily approved for digital currency operations.

On Friday the Thai SEC issued a warning on Friday against 14 websites whose operations have not been approved for conducting cryptocurrency business in Thailand. The regulatory body described that it had received complaints about companies that encourage people to buy and sell cryptocurrencies through social media.

The Thai SEC announced 14 unauthorized websites’ names.
The list includes:
    R Exchange’s Facebook page.

In May 2018 the cryptocurrency regulations came to effect in May and companies that wanted to conduct crypto related business in Thailand, had to get approvals from the regulator. The seven companies that are approved to trade cryptocurrency firms are Bitcoin Co. Ltd. (Bx), Bitkub Online Co. Ltd., Cash2coins, Satang Corporation (Tdax), Coin Asset Co. Ltd., and Southeast Asia Digital Exchange Co. Ltd. (Seadex). One company, Coins Th.

Recently, Wissanu Krea-ngam, the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand called for cryptocurrency regulations. The minister said that the anonymous nature of some of these cryptocurrencies poses the security challenges.
 Krea-ngam added:

    “The laws need to be amended in the future so that we can better keep up with technological changes.”

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Even though the cryptocurrency markets have seen a downtrend throughout 2018, the adoption rate is consistently growing. Over $600 billion worth of cryptocurrencies have been wiped from the market amidst the cryptocurrency price crash.

Things might appear to be grim, however, the person behind the biggest facilitator of United States’ cryptocurrency trading has become a billionaire.

At the end of October, Brian Armstrong, CEO, Coinbase discovered that the company that he co-founded has reached $8 billion from its initial fundraising of $300 million. Based on these facts, it is speculated that Armstrong’s stake in the cryptocurrency exchange is worth $1.3 billion. Back in January, Forbes estimated that Brian’s net worth within the $900 million and $1 billion range.

It is highly likely that Brian’s net worth has taken a hit due to the severe dip in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other altcoin’s value in the past months.

Coinbase was co-founded by Armstrong back in 2012. The company even paid several employees in Bitcoin. The exchange now boasts 20 million users and is managing to generate incredible profits. It is expected that the exchange will generate a revenue of $1.3 billion in revenue this year.

The impressive figures have been an added blessing for the cryptocurrency exchange as it recently gained investment from Tiger Global Management, Wellington Management, and Andreessen Horowitz. In the firm last investment round back in August last year, the firm was evaluated at $1.6 billion.

This news was originally published on Forbes.

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Iran has finally announced the development of its national digital currency that is backed by the local fiat money, the rial. After getting approvals from the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), the yet-to-be-named cryptocurrency will be issued for banking institutions for testing payments.

Seyyed Abotaleb Najafi, Chief Executive Officer at Informatics Services Corporation (ISC), shared his thoughts about the state-backed cryptocurrency. He said that the digital currency could be used in a distributed framework to transfer without any interference from institutions. The CEO added that the state-backed digital currency is still in a pilot phase.

The CBI has partnered with Najafi’s company Informatics Services Corporation (ISC). The ISC is an Iranian banking and payments solution provider founded in 1993. The partnership with CBI aims to develop a national digital currency for use in expanding banking system services.
Mr. Najafi said:

“After getting Central Bank of Iran’s approval [it] will be used in the country’s banking system … in the first phase the blockchain banking infrastructure will be granted to Iranian commercial banks to use it as a token and payment instrument in transactions and banking settlement.”

The CEO added that the local fiat currency the rial backs the cryptocurrency.  The rial has plunged to 143,000 to 1 USD according to

Mr. Seyyed Abotaleb Najafi included that for Iranian national cryptocurrency, the rial has been selected as support. The rial equivalent in the central bank’s account is blocked; therefore, it never creates liquidity.

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Recently, Microsoft and Nasdaq partnered to use Microsoft’s blockchain for the Nasdaq Financial Framework (NFF). The Microsoft Azure blockchain will be deployed on the Nasdaq Financial Framework (NFF) in order to build a ledger blockchain capacity which supports a multi-ledger strategy. Nasdaq will appoint Microsoft’s ledger to manage the delivery, payment, and settlement of transactions.

Nasdaq opened its electronic stock exchange back in 1971. The stock exchange highly invests in cutting-edge technology and hopes to be a pioneer in the blockchain.

Nasdaq’s enterprise offers Nasdaq Financial Framework (NFF) which increases a vast portfolio of business applications for customers and enables them to take advantages of emerging technologies. The partnership aims to build a blockchain capacity that supports a multi-ledger strategy.

Magnus Haglind, Head of Product Management, Nasdaq said:

“Our [capital markets] industry is evolving faster than ever with the advent and advancement of cloud, the blockchain, machine intelligence, and others.”

According to Mr. Haglind, Key players in the industry are looking to these technologies to make them more effective and efficient while gaining a competitive advantage.

Tom Fay, Senior Vice President of Enterprise Architecture, Nasdaq also shared his thoughts about the partnership with Microsoft. Mr. Fay said that he sees the potential of various blockchains with several payment mechanisms.

Mr. Fay also added that by using various blockchain he thinks that the combination of NFF and Microsoft’s blockchain can remove project complexities that exist in the blockchain space. Nasdaq’s NFF customers can use other NFF applications which incorporate distributed ledger technologies. Users can access the application without the need for ledger-specific skills or knowledge.

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The hardware cryptocurrency wallet maker, Ledger has planned to include support for more stablecoins such as Tether (USDT). The usage will be available across all its products and services.

Ledger is currently supporting Tether for its two storage products named the Ledger Nano and Ledger Blue. The wallet maker wants to add the U.S. dollar-linked cryptocurrency to its institutional vault service.

One of the team members of Tether said that one thing which is unique in China and South Korea is the demand for USDT. Both countries have capital controls and the ability to move currency out of the country.

The team member said that the Chinese and South Korean investors are more comfortable with fiat-pegged currencies that reflect traditional capital markets.

After including Tether, Ledger will be adding other stablecoins as it pursues a major expansion of its custody business. Ledger aims to support more than 100 different tokens by the end of next year.
Pascal Gauthier, President, Ledger said in a statement:

“We have a big road of integrating many things right now, including stablecoins.”

Ledger has also expanded its offices from Hong Kong to tech hub countries such as Japan and Singapore. The President of Tether said that they want to hire local talent who understand the local culture.

Ledger is also partnering with the Hong Kong-based software startup Internet Online Hong Kong (IOHK), led by Ethereum cofounder Charles Hoskinson. Next week, during Hong Kong Fintech Week, Ledger and IOHK will be hosting a party for the local crypto community.

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UK officials have formed various regulatory steps around cryptocurrencies and the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). The Cryptoasset Taskforce’s report noted that the blockchain could be beneficial to the financial service sector & other industries.

The HM Treasury, Financial Conduct Authority and the Bank of England will encourage the development of DLT and cryptocurrency-related activities in the UK.

The report said that authorities’ immediate priority is to decrease risks with the current generation of cryptocurrency. The other applications of DLT have the potential to deliver advantages in both financial services and other sectors. According to the report, authorities don’t think that there are regulatory barriers for the further adoption of DLT.
The report included:

“Current guidance on the tax treatment of crypto assets is set out on HMRC’s website. HMRC will further update their guidance by early 2019, drawing on the Taskforce’s work.”

The UK government is also trying to formalize rules around Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) that take place in the country. The report also said that the government would issue a consultation at the beginning of 2019. This would be helped to find out whether an extension of the regulatory perimeter is required.

The crypto asset task force also added that the government would take action to reduce risks that digital currency poses to consumers and market integrity. The government will also prevent the use of cryptocurrencies in illegal activities and monitor threats that are related to financial stabilities.

The report also calls for clarification of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and financial instruments that refer cryptocurrencies and tokens listed on exchanges.

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Kerem Albayrak, 21, a computer analyst from the United Kingdom tried blackmailing Apple for £133,000 in Bitcoin and £837 iTunes vouchers. The hacker also posted a video of him hacking into iCloud accounts on YouTube.

Albayrak blackmailed Apple saying that he will release the iCloud users’ personal details if the company doesn’t send him Bitcoin. He threatened that he would leak 319 million Apple iCloud users’ personal information.

Albayrak lives in Hornsey, North London. He appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ court, charged with blackmail and unauthorized acts. The court said that he demanded $75,000 – roughly £50,000 – worth of Bitcoin. He also demanded iTunes vouchers worth $150,000 and $1,100.

He was granted an unconditional bail. An appeal and trial preparation will be heard at Southwark Crown Court on November 14. The prosecutor said that Albayrak is accused of sending emails to Apple making financial demands. These demands are about downloading database iCloud accounts and resetting those iCloud accounts.

Recently, a Canadian woman lost 62,500 Canadian dollars ($48,125) as a result of a Bitcoin ATM Scam. The victim said that she had sent the money to an unknown person impersonating the Canadian tax department through a Bitcoin ATM. The lady has filed a case against the ATM provider Instacoin ATM Canada Inc.

The woman spoke about how the scammer called her and threatened her with the intimate details about her family. She was a new immigrant and believed the threats of arrest and deportation. She transferred the money to a Bitcoin address given by the unknown man over a phone call.

A recent report stated that Australia has the highest number of cases where victims lost their money over Bitcoin ATM scams.

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The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States has announced its plans for a fintech hub. This portal will allow the governing body to interact with companies who are engaged with blockchain, artificial intelligence and more.

The portal launched on October 18, 2018, and is called FinHub. It is intended to bring the existing service that the SEC provides via a single point of contact. It will facilitate these companies easier communication with the official government body.

SEC has been closely observing the startups that are utilizing blockchain technology. The FinHub portal is working towards streamlining the process of building compliant platforms before they are launched.

Valerie A. Szczepanik will be leading the FinHub. Notably, Szczepanik is the senior advisor for digital assets and innovation. She also serves as the associate director in SEC’s Corporation Finance Division.

“We’ve been doing these things for years. This is going to bring it all together.” – Szczepanik said in an interview with Forbes. Representatives from SEC’s division will be staffed at this hub. These people have been experts in the fintech domain.

Companies will be able to get their queries answered and request meetings as well. To increase user engagement, an “Easter egg” message has been hidden on the page as well.

SEC has been quick to take charge of cases relating to ICO scams. They also published a spoof webpage earlier this year to educate blockchain developers and potential investors on scams. This new hub intends to expand on this strategy.

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Zebpay is expanding its global presence after shifting its cryptocurrency trading operations from India. The exchange has moved its operations to Malta due to Indian crypto regulations. The Reserve Bank of India recently banned cryptocurrency exchanges and restricted banks to stop working with them. Zebpay is now all set to serve twenty countries.

Zebpay talked about the overseas operation on its website. Indiabits, a community of blockchain enthusiasts tweeted about Zebpay’s two foreign entities in Singapore and Malta. Indiabits tweeted that Zebpay is going global and it would provide cryptocurrency exchange and OTC services to 20 countries in Europe.

🦓 @Zebpay is not shutting down, it is setting up for global domination 🇪🇺🇲🇹🇸🇬🇮🇳

    CC @mahingupta @AjeetK @GoenkaSandeep

    — IndiaBits (@indiabits21) October 12, 2018

On Zebpay’s website, under the terms of resolution, the company mentioned a Malta-registered entity called Awlencan Innovations Malta Ltd. The company was established on September 17. The site also shows a list of 20 countries in which Zebpay plans to offer its services. The list includes Malta, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, and Sweden.

Zebpay said that customers can have one account for Know-Your-Customer (KYC) purposes. Various accounts with same KYC documentation is not allowed for additional registrations. Zebpay provides the platform for matching orders.

While Zebpay is moving its operations from India to Malta, Unocoin, the crypto exchange launched the first cryptocurrency ATM in Bengaluru. Unocoin’s KYC verified customers can use the ATM  to deposit and withdraw INR from their Unocoin account.

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Indian cryptocurrency exchanges are doing their best to improve the crypto-to-fiat liquidity in the country. The Reserve Bank of India has ordered banks in India to stop working with crypto exchanges. Arun Jaitley, Indian Minister of Corporate Affairs called Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme.

Unocoin, Indian cryptocurrency exchange has recently published a press release that announces its plans of launching Bitcoin ATMs across India. Unocoin has been in the crypto space since 2013 and currently holds a customer base of around 1.2 million users. This crypto exchange has already launched a crypto trading kiosk in its hometown (Bangalore). It enables users to exchange Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin for cash and also convert fiat currency into crypto.

Crypto exchange such as WazirX launched peer-to-peer trading to keep their business running without coming under the government ban on exchanges. The Indian government claims that cryptocurrency trading activities can lead to illegal activities such as money laundering.

Unocoin said:
“Users are subject to some limits on deposits and withdrawals per transaction and per day subject to cash handling restrictions in India. The minimum amount for deposits and withdrawals is INR 1,000 (~$13.50) and must be in multiples of INR 500.”
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OKEx, the world’s third-biggest exchange by market cap has made an interesting announcement. The exchange has unveiled four stablecoins on its platform. This news was revealed through an official blog post that was published on October 15, 2018.

OKEx adds support for TruseUSD (TUSD), USD Coin (USDC), Gemini Dollar (GUSD) and Paxos Standard Token (PAX). According to the announcement from the blog post, the stablecoins will be available for deposits by 5:00 pm Hong Kong Time (HKG). Withdrawal for the same will be available from October 16, 2018.

After the launch of the highly controversial stablecoin Tether (USDT), whose value is pegged to the US Dollar on a 1:1 basis. TrueUSD is the second stablecoin that was introduced to the market. Both currencies are already listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges including the likes of Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, and HitBTC. The stable coins are deployed on the Omni and Ethereum blockchain networks.

Gemini Dollar and Paxos Standard Tokens were approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) on September 10. Gemini Dollar was launched by the Winklevoss twins, the founders of Gemini, the crypto trading platform. Gemini Dollar is also pegged by USD and is “held at a bank located in the United States and eligible for FDIC ‘pass-through’ deposit insurance.”

Paxos Standard Token is another Ethereum blockchain-based stable coin. It is described to be “fiduciary and qualified custodian of customer funds.”

The fourth stablecoin that was listed on OKEx is the USD coin which was recently launched by Circle on September 26, 2018. This coin is listed on Circle’s own Poloniex, Huobi, Kucoin, and Coinbase.

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Activity: 135
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New ICO Listed

Spry One(SPRY)

Start Date : 2018-10-16

End Date : 2018-12-16

Rated : 3.3 out of 5

For more information about the ICO click here
Activity: 135
Merit: 11
New ICO Listed


Start Date : 2018-09-18

End Date : 2018-11-30

Rated : 3.1 out of 5

For more information about the ICO click here
Activity: 135
Merit: 11
New ICO Listed


Start Date : 2018-09-24

End Date : 2018-12-16

Rated : 3.5 out of 5

For more information about the ICO click here
Activity: 135
Merit: 11
Some of those categories are a month old until the last news was posted. Don't you have your writes that can cover those articles daily? I'm just giving my opinion and advice if you want to increase your traffic for the other categories. I see that you are mainly focusing with these ICO listings.

Thank you so much for your advice. We not only try to increase traffic by the news but instead we try to give the best and the latest news about the crypto world.

We have our professional writers as well as freelance writers in the different location of the world who gives the latest news about ICOs, Cryptos, scamming and other fascinating news as well.
hero member
Activity: 2884
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Wow I see another crypto news website that has built in with ICO press release and listing. I admire that you have 5 categories on your site, Bitcoin News, Ripple News, Ethereum News, ICO News, Cryptocurrency News and Blockchain News.

Some of those categories are a month old until the last news was posted. Don't you have your writes that can cover those articles daily? I'm just giving my opinion and advice if you want to increase your traffic for the other categories. I see that you are mainly focusing with these ICO listings.
Activity: 135
Merit: 11
New ICO Listed


Start Date : 2018-11-15

End Date : 2018-12-30

Rated : 4.1 out of 5

For more information about the ICO click here
Activity: 135
Merit: 11
New ICO Listed


Start Date : 2018-09-30

End Date : 2018-11-30

Rated : 3.4 out of 5

For more information about the ICO click here
Activity: 135
Merit: 11
New ICO Listed

New Economy Ledger(NEL)

Start Date : 2018-09-15

End Date : 2018-11-10

Rated : 3.3 out of 5

For more information about the ICO click here
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