Dev -
While examing your Windows binary for integrity with PE Explorer, I noticed this reference to "ZeroCoin tests" after the wallet is loaded:
Can you please explain what your function in the Windows Coinonat wallet for a "ZeroCoin test" does and what it's purpose is? Why does it search for ZeroCoin?
db 'Loading wallet...',0
db 0Ah,'=== ZeroCoin tests start ===',0Ah,0
db '=== ZeroCoin tests end ===',0Ah,0Ah,0
Very curious, much thanks in advance.
i hope this is just a copy and post thing during the creation of the wallet. or is it possible that the wallet wants to steal coins?
You keep saying that all questions are answered in the first page but apparently 1. you haven't read the questions people are asking. 2. You're too stupid to understand the questions. 3. You are just ignoring them. I have read the 1st page like 4 times now trying to find answers to these questions.
The first page only explains where 2,500,000 of the premined coins are going 1mil to ICO and 1.5mil to bounties. It does not explain all 6 million at all... So of my 3 possibilities listed I'm going with option 2 for this one.
And the code in the above quote has gone a long time now without you even acknowledging it... Why on earth would you have ZeroCoin tests or whatever that code is? I'm 1000000% sure that this isn't explained on the 1st page so of the 3 possibilities I already listed I'm going with option 3.
All questions answered and updated.
I am still not finding an answer to the question of the 6 million premined coins.
Again, "The first page only explains where 2,500,000 of the premined coins are going 1mil to ICO and 1.5mil to bounties. It does not explain all 6 million at all..." So where are the leftover 3.5 million coins going??
You also still have not addressed the question "Where is the 58 BTC going from the crowdsale?" The only thing it says on the OP is "58 BTC is needed from the crowdsale" But it says nothing about what this 58 BTC is needed for, where it is going, what it is going to be spent on, just nothing...
I have also seen the question of leftover coins from the ICO, what are you going to do with coins that do not sell? Are you going to just keep them for yourselves? Are you going to send them to an eater address? I have seen this question asked but not answered.