Excuse me, but two times this week I've seen this:
Assertion failed!
Program U:\PayCon-qt-win-thor\PayCon-qt.exe
File: src\kernel.cpp, Line 429
Expression: pindex->pprev||pindex->GetBlockHash()==(!fTestNethashGenesisBlock:hashGenesisBlockTestNet)
The last time I re-downloaded the block chain which fixed the problem, but it took forever. This time I'm just going to bootstrap it, unless somebody knows a simpler solution to my problem. Is there anyway I could rescan the blockchain just from a certain block?
Thanks for any feedback.
In console but might work from shortcut??: rescanfromblock (##) ## = block number - no ( )
I haven't really seen this happen, I would try rescanfrom Block #
I have been experimenting with the Blockparser and the testnet I have setup and it would be fairly easy to create a snapshot and seed a new chain. The benefits to seeding a new chain is that it would cut off all the old Blocks, we could also decide if we wanted to split the money supply (if wanting to do a 2:1, 10:1 etc), as well as a change in algo, rewards, Blocktimes etc.
The way it works is that the chain to seed needs to have the same address starting letter, you can then send from the new chain to old chain addresses, when you import your private keys into the new chain you receive the transactions sent.