QObject::connect: No such signal AddressBookPage::stakeForCharitySignal(QString)
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'AddressBookPage')
QObject::connect: No such slot BitcoinGUI::gotoBlockBrowser(QString)
Jul 15 15:32:04.664 [err] tor_assertion_failed_(): Bug: src/tor/memarea.c:127: alloc_chunk: Assertion realign_pointer(res->next_mem) == res->next_mem failed; aborting.
Jul 15 15:32:04.664 [err] Bug: Assertion realign_pointer(res->next_mem) == res->next_mem failed in alloc_chunk at src/tor/memarea.c:127. Stack trace:
I think the fatal one is the tor one, and for instance i had the same problem with TRI, though i wasn't able to fix it. Thinking it might be a dep problem?
Edit: found this in the interweb https://github.com/razor-coin/razor/issues/2
Edit2: found this in the code (lines 60-65), i'll try to uncomment and build again
uintptr_t x = (uintptr_t)ptr;
/* Reinstate this if bug 930 ever reappears
tor_assert(((void*)x) >= ptr);
return (void*)x
Edit3:Doesn't work, i get the same error.
Going in completely blind but could it have something to do with this?
#define SENTINEL_LEN sizeof(uint32_t)
Ok thank you, first make sure you have this dependency installed
apt-get install libevent-dev
Install that and try again and let me know if you are still running into the same errors.
What I mentioned before the rewards and swap is that as we get the code more situated and distributed that we can look at how we can retain the high inflation over time and trim off extra meat off the Blockchain. As long as the money supply is not going to be reaching more than a billion or two in Coins, it should be fine to increase the rewards as most every Coin is tied to BTC and other Coins. I think we could do both, increase the rewards at some point (4-6 months from now), and then take a snapshot of the chain and load the balances onto a new Blockchain 4-6 months after that from a lower money supply point (10:1 swap) but I think we'd have to have how the swap might work and have it automatic before doing either.