Calling all designers! Calling and car enthusiasts!Xedoscoin needs a logoDesign submissions until end of March 2014
Voting for logo until
15 April 2014
You can make a difference and get rich in XDC!
Here are the 16 new logo designs:
(click on the images for higher resolution versions)
rze 01
rze 02
rze 03
xodianbarr 01
woetohice 01
woetohice 02
rze 04
rze 05
rze 06
rze 07
dleader 01
mymenace 01
mymenace 02
mymenace 03
rze 08
rze 09
And here they are, side by side in smaller versions (background is not correct everywhere, so this s just rough estimation how they would look)
Here are the current logo and the design ideas:
current logo:
other ideas:
DEADLINE: end of March 2014You can post the designs right here.
Voting will take place here in this thread, in the
altcoingiveaway thread and in the
official thread. Total unique votes per user will be counted.
Official Xedoscoin thread: website:
http://xedoscoin.comXedoscoin subreddit: giveaways and contests:,1245.0.html,1248.0.htmlXedoscoin [XDC] is a coin, mostly oriented towards car enthusiasts. Anything designwise that includes automobiles and something car related, especially concerning racing, sports cars, luxury cars, Mazda and/or Xedos (without using the trademarks directly), roads, travelling, car technology etc. will be great to have in the coin design.
The bounty on the official Xedoscoin thread is for
2000 XDC for the winner (creator of new original XDC logo and selected by the community) and
200 XDC for help in polishing the existing coin designs (the above 4 ones) and making them stand out and appropriate for becoming official logos in a future contest.
I am adding
800 XDC for a prize for the runner-up, for the second place in this design. So the total is 3000 XDC, the winner takes 2000 XDC, but each of you can earn more, if he makes several polished logo variants each winning a separate 200 XDC.
2000 XDC for the winner
800 XDC for the second place
200 XDC for help enhancing the existing logos
Let the fun begin!