It won't fix everything, but it'll get you one step closer and it's not difficult.
Put this : cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u Poollogin.Worker -p password in a .txt file in notepad and save it in your cgminer folder. Then change the extention to .bat instead of .txt.
Double click this new file and it will automatically boot and configure cgminer.exe for you.
If you're GPU mining instead of CPU then it may be a matter of configuring your particular graphics card.
Almost forgot - version 3.8.x of cgminer is supposed to have issues with scrypt (or it did when I first got started), so you might want to consider rolling back to 3.7.2.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the help. I need it lol.
I have made the file, but I don't understand how to change it from a .txt to a .bat. When I saved it didn't give me the option to change it to something else other than text.
Also, what do I do to configure the graphics card?
Thanks again!
That's all
Updata Waleet..............please