Crown Core Updates 1/2Standby for wallet release (Still testing)
What's new?
Bitcoin Core 0.10
-Faster synchronization
-Improved signing security
-Consensus library
-Many more...
Dash Core 0.12
-Masternode Voting
-Major Improvement to Thrones
-Removed reference node
-Many more...
Complete GUI overhaul of the QT!
Brand New Website
White Paper
SummaryStoneHedge - urban_idler - Crown Team
January, 2016
In a series of 6 whitepapers, Crown outlines plans for a decentralised and incentivised application platform that will diverge from current Blockchain technology in a unique and revolutionary way.
The final product will be an open and decentralised application platform providing a cryptographically secure method for anybody with the inclination to harness the benefits of the next generation of Blockchain**.
**We will repeat blockchain over and over again like a chant, although what we really mean is the use of a tarball of software innovations which include secure hashing, a public key infrastructure, peer to peer networking, encryption/decryption, distributed databases, distributed consensus protocols, cloud computing, open source, git -- you get the idea.
Every social or business phenomena is marked by a transaction of some kind. Herein lies the key to truly diverse real world blockchain applications.
The Crown project challenges the current Blockchain paradigm, and instead envisions an alternative approach to attaining the holy grail of Blockchain. The holy grail is product of great usefulness that achieves long term and wide spread adoption by providing valuable services and network security through a cryptographically secure and environmentally sustainable method.
The Crown team draws on people from diverse backgrounds who share a desire to innovate and a sense that the Blockchain Industry is not innovating enough to convince the world that it is better to work with Blockchain than without. The wave of corporate investment has brought attention – but it has ironically slowed, rather than accelerated the development of trustless platforms.
There is a collective belief within the Crown team that Blockchain technology current sits in a position similar to the internet in the 1990s; with great potential but missing the innovations required to make it truly useful. As we learn from the continuing evolution of the Internet, these innovations come in incremental steps.
Whether this particular project succeeds, or fails -- our goal is for Crown to bring innovation back to the Blockchain.
The Crown Papers briefly introduce what the team is thinking and our goals for the project. An outline of the papers follows:
Crown Paper 1.0 – GovernanceIn this paper the Crown team provides a brief background to the project and introduces governance concepts and outlines how the project will interact with both the technology and the community.
Crown Paper 2.0 – Introduction & FeaturesIn this paper the Crown team introduces the key entities that will form Crown and the design principles that will be used along the development process.
Crown Paper 3.0 – ApplicationsIn this paper the Crown team describes the vision for how applications will fit into Crown and how the platform will allow those applications will be enabled to operate as a business entity.
Crown Paper 4.0 - Combinations & PermutationsIn this paper the Crown team explains what makes the project unique and details some of the proposed use models for the platform.
Crown Paper 5.0 - Symbols, Skyhooks & SurvivalIn this paper the Crown team muses about what it will take for the project to survive in the current ecosystem and the importance of a shared imagination.
Crown Paper 6.0 – Sharing & Open TeamsIn this paper the Crown team contextualises the relationship between economic, social and technological change and what this means for technology such as Blockchain. This paper also describes the evolution of the Crown team and project and its immediate aims for the future.