
Topic: [ANN][CRW] CROWN (SHA256) | Platform | Governance | Systemnodes | Masternodes | - page 162. (Read 317079 times)

Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Oh hello legendary status!

Heh, I noticed the status bump yesterday  Tongue

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
Oh hello legendary status!
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
Final testing of our new QT Wallet going on. Great job @tlc

Looking really good. I feel like I'm missing out not being able to help test! Save something for me to do when I get back from the mountains on the 21st!
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Final testing of our new QT Wallet going on. Great job @tlc

full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100
large crown dev brain

boost coin big super moon

dev hold all coin

no for sale? dump in me?
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Infernoman and myself are testing the crap out of the wallet.

Finding little bugs here and there that infernoman is quashing as he goes.

We need to test thrones, auxpow mining and a few other things then we're good!
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Great progress was made last night by infernoman and the dev team in testing how the updated code behaves. We are getting very close here.

Our designers started coding our new web this week, and tlc is finishing up with our new QT look.

I am finishing proofreading of our set of 6 whitepapers together with urban_idler.

A conference call of the dev team is planned for next week to agree on the timing of our release to the public.

Next two weeks will be very exciting
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Since Star Wars is a hit and we are discussing centralization -- it is worthwhile to think about the ethics of engineering:

The underlying ethics of contributing to centralized solutions which inevitably become instruments of control, surveillance and manipulation over time --  when an alternative system of collaboration without these obvious evils exists -- is something which hasn't really sunk in for folks....

I mean, Google's old prospectus said don't be evil... but then if they really believed that they would have decentralized and wouldn't be collecting all the data on everyone that they are.  It's not that folks wake-up in the morning and say let's be evil (at least most folks).  It's just that most of us wake up in the morning and don't think at all -- we just do what has to be done to get the bills paid and whatever kindness and creativity is left we share with our friends and family.

Part of what should bring people to CRW and other platforms like it is the opportunity to build something better now that we know it is possible.

In the last little note I talked about the economics -- but there is also the ethical dimension.
Or there is the ethical dimension to it if you aren't a Sith, or someone who believes that the fate of humans should be similar to cattle.  

The funny thing is that we probably fought the first version of this battle from around 1945 - 1989, against one version of control/evil -- after just having defeated another version of control/evil in a big war... and now we seem to be lined up to fight it again in the digital realm.

People never seem to learn and the Empire Always Strikes Back...

or that's one way of looking at it.  just worth thinking about....

I watched Star Wars yesterday and its just such a great idea and a strong philosophical message behind it, I think George Lucas is a genious - I always saw some similarities between Jedi Knights and Crown. I wonder why was that  Smiley
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
Since Star Wars is a hit and we are discussing centralization -- it is worthwhile to think about the ethics of engineering:

The underlying ethics of contributing to centralized solutions which inevitably become instruments of control, surveillance and manipulation over time --  when an alternative system of collaboration without these obvious evils exists -- is something which hasn't really sunk in for folks....

I mean, Google's old prospectus said don't be evil... but then if they really believed that they would have decentralized and wouldn't be collecting all the data on everyone that they are.  It's not that folks wake-up in the morning and say let's be evil (at least most folks).  It's just that most of us wake up in the morning and don't think at all -- we just do what has to be done to get the bills paid and whatever kindness and creativity is left we share with our friends and family.

Part of what should bring people to CRW and other platforms like it is the opportunity to build something better now that we know it is possible.

In the last little note I talked about the economics -- but there is also the ethical dimension.
Or there is the ethical dimension to it if you aren't a Sith, or someone who believes that the fate of humans should be similar to cattle.   

The funny thing is that we probably fought the first version of this battle from around 1945 - 1989, against one version of control/evil -- after just having defeated another version of control/evil in a big war... and now we seem to be lined up to fight it again in the digital realm.

People never seem to learn and the Empire Always Strikes Back...

or that's one way of looking at it.  just worth thinking about....

I'm so glad we have you on board. I love reading your posts. Always get the grey material running.

I'm afraid I'm off gallivanting in Switzerland for a couple of weeks again. Sorry I won't be around to help testing. I'll be back with a vengeance!

Will check in on Slack and the thread every day though.

If anybody needs vps resources for testing, hit me up and I'll spin some up for you.
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
Since Star Wars is a hit and we are discussing centralization -- it is worthwhile to think about the ethics of engineering:

The underlying ethics of contributing to centralized solutions which inevitably become instruments of control, surveillance and manipulation over time --  when an alternative system of collaboration without these obvious evils exists -- is something which hasn't really sunk in for folks....

I mean, Google's old prospectus said don't be evil... but then if they really believed that they would have decentralized and wouldn't be collecting all the data on everyone that they are.  It's not that folks wake-up in the morning and say let's be evil (at least most folks).  It's just that most of us wake up in the morning and don't think at all -- we just do what has to be done to get the bills paid and whatever kindness and creativity is left we share with our friends and family.

Part of what should bring people to CRW and other platforms like it is the opportunity to build something better now that we know it is possible.

In the last little note I talked about the economics -- but there is also the ethical dimension.
Or there is the ethical dimension to it if you aren't a Sith, or someone who believes that the fate of humans should be similar to cattle.   

The funny thing is that we probably fought the first version of this battle from around 1945 - 1989, against one version of control/evil -- after just having defeated another version of control/evil in a big war... and now we seem to be lined up to fight it again in the digital realm.

People never seem to learn and the Empire Always Strikes Back...

or that's one way of looking at it.  just worth thinking about....
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100
change my signatue to worm

worm from coin mine

crw still good but need worm for food

super moon worm then buy more crw  Cheesy
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
According to the roadmap Crown was added in the November 16, 2016 release:

Although when I look at the app showing markets CRW isn't there yet.

My guess is that the intention is to add CRW -- and one key for CRW is to create progressively better and better access to the token.

I don't know anything in detail about, so my knowledge is strictly based on what's on the webpage -- but bitsquare, like Crown is premised on a belief in distributed, decentralized, open systems and is organized as a volunteer project, not a corporation.

My own belief is that platforms like, which are neither centralized nor corporations (logically a corporation is centralized -- which is a simple but important fact to remember.  if nothing else the legal centralization of a corporation creates a failure point linking every corporation to the governing state in which it is incorporated -- who would try to design a fault tolerant system that way?  well, that's because the corporate form was never designed as a fault tolerant system but as a control mechanism for the state to offer a version of indulgences... if you go back the The First Crash by Richard Dale -- it's wonderful to read about how the East India company and the Mississippi Land company were used by the British and French Gov'ts respectively to do debt for equity swaps to try to reduce the debts they had racked up fighting wars...)...

But back to bitsquare and the model of a software platform enabling collaboration of different sorts with the code effectively owned by no one, but where contributions are welcome from those who believe that distributed, decentralized, open systems are better... that's what Crown is trying to do, and create an platform for...  I'm certain I'm not stating this clearly, but that seems to be the norm for BCT so I'm not worried...

At a macro level, plenty of folks have noticed that as Cory Doctorow states "information doesn't want to be free."  I don't think it's really that information doesn't want to be free as it is that we have only had centralized collaboration structures until very recently -- and in centralized structures, no one and nothing is free.  Their is a fight for the central point and the ability to extract rents/profits/power from the system.  The core advantage over time to decentralization will be a more rapid ability to innovate and also a higher rate of compounding / supported growth because the decentralized platforms will not extract the economic rents that the centralized platforms do.

This is an extremely important idea that we need to develop more fully and is basically an application of a sort of "du pont formula" to the economy as a whole, and the sustainable growth rate of an economy.... 

But in this context -- the fact that technologies companies are now the largest 5 or so companies by market cap in the world is not a sign of the victory of technology and competition -- but of the victory of centralization and control to manipulate technology to extract rents from society and bog down progress...  this is flipping the analysis... and if the cash hoards of the tech companies are a function of extracting rents rather than innovation -- then the opportunity, or the efficiencies which decentralized platforms which do not seek to extract rents, but simply to provide services for a fair price, is of similarly huge....

So yeah... bitsquare seems like the kind of thing that would be great for CRW to be linked to... IMHO.


Absolutely. I don't trade much these days, but I certainly will use bitsquare.

I do prefer decentralised systems 100%. But up until recently, complete decentralisation and not trusting a 3rd party wasn't possable. Only with crypto currency have trustless platforms emerged.

The capitalist in me likes the idea of rent, it provides a service where that service wouldn't be offered if it wasn't for rent/profit. However with a decentralised currency this is no longer such an issue, because rents/costs are reduced soon much
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
According to the roadmap Crown was added in the November 16, 2016 release:

Although when I look at the app showing markets CRW isn't there yet.

My guess is that the intention is to add CRW -- and one key for CRW is to create progressively better and better access to the token.

I don't know anything in detail about, so my knowledge is strictly based on what's on the webpage -- but bitsquare, like Crown is premised on a belief in distributed, decentralized, open systems and is organized as a volunteer project, not a corporation.

My own belief is that platforms like, which are neither centralized nor corporations (logically a corporation is centralized -- which is a simple but important fact to remember.  if nothing else the legal centralization of a corporation creates a failure point linking every corporation to the governing state in which it is incorporated -- who would try to design a fault tolerant system that way?  well, that's because the corporate form was never designed as a fault tolerant system but as a control mechanism for the state to offer a version of indulgences... if you go back the The First Crash by Richard Dale -- it's wonderful to read about how the East India company and the Mississippi Land company were used by the British and French Gov'ts respectively to do debt for equity swaps to try to reduce the debts they had racked up fighting wars...)...

But back to bitsquare and the model of a software platform enabling collaboration of different sorts with the code effectively owned by no one, but where contributions are welcome from those who believe that distributed, decentralized, open systems are better... that's what Crown is trying to do, and create an platform for...  I'm certain I'm not stating this clearly, but that seems to be the norm for BCT so I'm not worried...

At a macro level, plenty of folks have noticed that as Cory Doctorow states "information doesn't want to be free."  I don't think it's really that information doesn't want to be free as it is that we have only had centralized collaboration structures until very recently -- and in centralized structures, no one and nothing is free.  Their is a fight for the central point and the ability to extract rents/profits/power from the system.  The core advantage over time to decentralization will be a more rapid ability to innovate and also a higher rate of compounding / supported growth because the decentralized platforms will not extract the economic rents that the centralized platforms do.

This is an extremely important idea that we need to develop more fully and is basically an application of a sort of "du pont formula" to the economy as a whole, and the sustainable growth rate of an economy.... 

But in this context -- the fact that technologies companies are now the largest 5 or so companies by market cap in the world is not a sign of the victory of technology and competition -- but of the victory of centralization and control to manipulate technology to extract rents from society and bog down progress...  this is flipping the analysis... and if the cash hoards of the tech companies are a function of extracting rents rather than innovation -- then the opportunity, or the efficiencies which decentralized platforms which do not seek to extract rents, but simply to provide services for a fair price, is of similarly huge....

So yeah... bitsquare seems like the kind of thing that would be great for CRW to be linked to... IMHO.

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
Would be there any interest to list Crown at one of the first truly decentralized exchanges?

I have spoken with the founder and he is happy to add Crown. Only thing we need to do is submit simple pull request for address validation as that caused often problems (people are using wrong altcoin addresses).

I think it would be awesome to allow people to trade Crown in their national currencies and more importantly on the which is so unique by its nature and sooner or later decentralized exchanges will pick up because they are eliminating trust in 3parties - we all know about the "hacks" mostly caused by people inside the exchange.

You can consider this once you will release the new core and wallet GUI.

If I remember correctly we have already shown interest in bitsquare. We really like it.

Like you said, once the core updates are available to the public, we will push for addition to their exchange.

If you can sort that out for us, i'm sure the team would be willing to pay a small bounty out of the fund Smiley

Great. I think I should be able to manage to get this sorted for Crown. I will wait for the public release and then we can move this forward.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Would be there any interest to list Crown at one of the first truly decentralized exchanges?

I have spoken with the founder and he is happy to add Crown. Only thing we need to do is submit simple pull request for address validation as that caused often problems (people are using wrong altcoin addresses).

I think it would be awesome to allow people to trade Crown in their national currencies and more importantly on the which is so unique by its nature and sooner or later decentralized exchanges will pick up because they are eliminating trust in 3parties - we all know about the "hacks" mostly caused by people inside the exchange.

You can consider this once you will release the new core and wallet GUI.

If I remember correctly we have already shown interest in bitsquare. We really like it.

Like you said, once the core updates are available to the public, we will push for addition to their exchange.

If you can sort that out for us, i'm sure the team would be willing to pay a small bounty out of the fund Smiley
Activity: 96
Merit: 10
Would be there any interest to list Crown at one of the first truly decentralized exchanges?

I have spoken with the founder and he is happy to add Crown. Only thing we need to do is submit simple pull request for address validation as that caused often problems (people are using wrong altcoin addresses).

I think it would be awesome to allow people to trade Crown in their national currencies and more importantly on the which is so unique by its nature and sooner or later decentralized exchanges will pick up because they are eliminating trust in 3parties - we all know about the "hacks" mostly caused by people inside the exchange.

You can consider this once you will release the new core and wallet GUI.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250

Dear CROWN Investors-Developers

We would love to announce that your coin has been added to PumpMyCoin community public Votes.
you can participate in this vote on to nominate your coin for the next PUMP.

PumpMyCoin Team
We Pump But Never Dump

full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 100
app release for us crw whale change mood

no much full hate

crw moon on release of 2 version

invest whale bits
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
Will the app stores just accept an updated version, or will they need confirming again?

Good question. I will find out. on Play Store, I know you just submit the same app with same id as an update and it just takes a few hours to process
sr. member
Activity: 620
Merit: 250
Guys, iOS app is now on AppStore. Get it here

Ok, so this and the Android version are v1.0. We are working on v2 which has a number of small bug fixes, new layout and design and loads more features.

Waiting for released Android v2  Wink
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