I'm having a problem withdrawing CRW from all of my thrones.
I'm limited to only 6 x 4 CRW per transaction = 23.99 total CRW at a time.
When i select 7 x 4 CRW, the transaction becomes too large.
Only 1KB is allowed on my end, is that the same for everyone?
I sent a few batches of coin from my Throne testing that max limit to send which is anything above 99999 bytes. As long as you stay under 99999 bytes the transaction will send anything above 99999 bytes and that transaction will be too large.
33 inputs
Status: 1/unconfirmed, broadcast through 7 nodes
Date: 8/14/2016 06:53
To: 17mxCDCZkKLfCQv6C8wCiTJMbwafYFxETJ
Debit: -131.9995 CRW
Transaction fee: -0.0005 CRW
Net amount: -132.00 CRW
Transaction ID: bc409b1a14e38827660fefee22ae4775e6ab14790cd4546d204f79cb3e82afbd-000
67 inputs
bytes: ~9994
Status: 1/unconfirmed, broadcast through 7 nodes
Date: 8/14/2016 06:55
To: 17mxCDCZkKLfCQv6C8wCiTJMbwafYFxETJ
Debit: -267.999 CRW
Transaction fee: -0.001 CRW
Net amount: -268.00 CRW
Transaction ID: 5198cd64df73df47d5c73045af530de05bc7c1ac60cf75ab0088a8b0fd4d7e62-000
675 inputs
bytes: ~99978
Status: 1/unconfirmed, broadcast through 3 nodes
Date: 8/14/2016 06:59
To: 17mxCDCZkKLfCQv6C8wCiTJMbwafYFxETJ
Debit: -2699.99 CRW
Transaction fee: -0.01 CRW
Net amount: -2700.00 CRW
Transaction ID: 4008bef109609e4b9e5d4e8e6ebec525b472de7c76a919f33f2b9bc2088f1c76-000
800 inputs
bytes: ~118478
Transaction Too Large