I left the team in September because I had watched my father flatline as his mitral valve blew out and the surgeons rushed in to take him in for emergency heart surgery. Luckily we already had him at the hospital -- but it's the kind of experience that has a way to cause one to stop and re-assess.
While I believe in crypto and I also believe that eventually pretty much everything will be tokenized -- this and every crypto project is also fundamentally speculative. And my appetite for speculation changed after seeing my dad's eyes roll up as his heart stopped and they rolled him out to surgery. After the surgery, he was kept in a medical coma for most of a week, giving the family some time to think and reflect, before they brought him back up.
So I left the team and have been reducing my position since I am no longer actively involved in the project -- and it felt inappropriate to me to sit on a large position in something I was not actively involved in -- that's just my temperament. And the position was also worth a lot of money, some of which I needed to help my family since it doesn't take a genius to figure out that my father might never be able to work again.
I have not communicated regarding any of my sales with the core team until I was approached today to ask something like "WTF @@%##%&!" ?
My current position is 175,000 CRW less the Bitrex fee for transferring it out in the last hour or so -- so people can see that if they want to confirm this.
I am sorry that my activities to reduce my position have caused people to attack and disparage members of the core team. My activities had nothing to do with their efforts and were driven by separate "shit happens" in my own life.
The core team is making amazing progress -- and I would encourage folks to think about the example of Tezos, who raised a few hundred million for non-existent governance. I am excited about a few of the things the guys are working on -- but the best part may be having an engineer focused on the governance system now. Soon Crown will have a crypto system with a multi-tier cloud network, a proposal allocation system to internalize development funding, and a mutli-layer governance structure for allocating proposal funds and also empowering "agents" to act on the network. Application providers would be an instance of an agent. Different types of nodes would be other instances of agents -- but the agents like the nodes aren't designated by a vote of the network - so that would create an interesting structure.
My own strategy with Crown at this point is to just hold onto enough of a position to maintain an option on building an application business once that part of the system has been built. Artem will be able to explain where that is.
Hope that helps explain some of what has been going on in the market to people and also gives everyone a way to monitor at least what I am doing.
You have every reason to sell based on personal circumstances. They're your coins anyway. Thanks for your contributions to Crown, and hope things settle for the better soon.