As the pool owner of i request all other Pool owners to stop bashing each other. We all had startup issues and problems. I was one of the first CSC pools and my servers crashed when mining went from 5 to 150 MHash in less than 24 hours and i lost most users to the other pools. I learned my lesson and i am happy now running only 15 MHash.
If there really are security issues at this moment all the pool owners should know about that so they can take security measures. Even more, most pushpools these days are using TheSerapher/php-mpos software as their frontent, if there are issues with it we need to know and have them fixed in the software because that would not only affect CSC but the entire mining community!
If hackers get into our network they can take the entire CSC coin down with it! Now its not an issue yet but if CSC is going to be used in online casinos we must need to have a stable coin and mining network because otherwise transactions will not be executed with the speed necessary. Mining is about finding blocks for now, but will transit to living of transaction fees in the future. If casino users will not have their transactions being processed because of mining network issues, it will be the end of CSC very fast and thus our profit as well!
So please lets stand together on this! All mining pool owners should be in contact with each other in case of problems or issues (maybe we should create a mailing list for that, including the coin owners)! I already mentioned it various times in the past that Mega Mineros was the only one that secured its web access with SSL. I got ridiculed for that as well bij others but all other pools should do the same, it will cost you about $100 and a few hours of your time but installing SSL certificates is not that much work but can help a lot in keeping at least your users logins safe! No guarantee but all small things help. If others now of steps that will improve security i would like to know as well!
The chain is as strong as the weakest link! That counts for both security measures as the entire CSC mining network and difficulty as well. We need to stand together if we want to make this a success.
Kind Regards,
PS: I also crossposted this on the main CSC forum, sorry for that but i felt this needed more attention