Please read afew pages back to see up to date info on whats going on. We understand it is the KGW Bug/Exploit.
but I will take a loot at the post you pointed me to, thanks!
// Bitcoin used 10-minute blocks; this uses six minute blocks.
static const int64_t nTargetSpacing = 6 * 60; // seconds per block, nominal.
static const int64_t nFastInterval = nTargetSpacing * 0.95; // seconds per block desired when behind schedule
static const int64_t nSlowInterval = nTargetSpacing * 1.05; // seconds per block desired when ahead of schedule
static const int64_t nTimeZero = 1400000000; // nominal date at which this blockchain starts, since unix epoch
void avgRecentTimestamps(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t *avgOf5, int64_t *avgOf7, int64_t *avgOf9, int64_t *avgOf17)
int blockoffset = 0;
int64_t oldblocktime;
int64_t blocktime;
*avgOf5 = *avgOf7 = *avgOf9 = *avgOf17 = 0;
if (pindexLast)
blocktime = pindexLast->GetBlockTime();
else blocktime = 0;
for (blockoffset = 0; blockoffset < 18; blockoffset++)
oldblocktime = blocktime;
if (pindexLast)
pindexLast = pindexLast->pprev;
blocktime = pindexLast->GetBlockTime();
{ // genesis block or previous
blocktime -= nTargetSpacing;
// for each block, add interval.
if (blockoffset <= 5) *avgOf5 += (oldblocktime - blocktime);
if (blockoffset <= 7) *avgOf7 += (oldblocktime - blocktime);
if (blockoffset <= 9) *avgOf9 += (oldblocktime - blocktime);
*avgOf17 += (oldblocktime - blocktime);
// now we have the sums of the block intervals. Division gets us the averages.
*avgOf5 /= 5;
*avgOf7 /= 7;
*avgOf9 /= 9;
*avgOf17 /= 17;
// This is a novel getnextwork algorithm. It responds quickly to huge changes in hashing power, is immune to time warp
// attacks, and regulates the block rate to keep the block height close to the block height expected given the nominal
// block interval and the elapsed time. How close the correspondence between block height and wall clock time is
// depends on how stable the hashing power has been.
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock)
int64_t avgOf5;
int64_t avgOf9;
int64_t avgOf7;
int64_t avgOf17;
int64_t toofast;
int64_t tooslow;
int64_t difficultyfactor = 10000;
int64_t now;
int64_t BlockHeightTime;
int64_t nIntervalDesired;
unsigned int nProofOfWorkLimit = Params().ProofOfWorkLimit().GetCompact();
if (pindexLast == NULL)
// Genesis Block
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
if (TestNet())
// Special difficulty rule for testnet: If the new block's timestamp is more than 2* 10 minutes then allow
// mining of a min-difficulty block.
if (pblock->nTime > pindexLast->nTime + nTargetSpacing*2)
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
// Return the last non-special-min-difficulty-rules-block
const CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexLast;
while (pindex->pprev && pindex->nHeight % nInterval != 0 && pindex->nBits == nProofOfWorkLimit)
pindex = pindex->pprev;
return pindex->nBits;
// Regulate block times so as to remain synchronized in the long run with the actual time. The first step is to
// calculate what interval we want to use as our regulatory goal. It depends on how far ahead of (or behind)
// schedule we are. If we're more than a day ahead or behind, we use the maximum (nSlowInterval) or minimum
// (nFastInterval) values; otherwise we calculate a weighted average somewhere in between them. The closer we are
// to being exactly on schedule the closer our selected interval will be to our nominal interval (nTargetSpacing).
now = pindexLast->GetBlockTime();
BlockHeightTime = nTimeZero + pindexLast->nHeight * nTargetSpacing;
if (now < BlockHeightTime + 86400 && now > BlockHeightTime ) // ahead of schedule by less than a day.
nIntervalDesired = ((86400 - (now - BlockHeightTime)) * nTargetSpacing +
(now - BlockHeightTime) * nFastInterval) / 86400;
else if (now + 86400 > BlockHeightTime && now < BlockHeightTime) // behind schedule by less than a day.
nIntervalDesired = ((86400 - (BlockHeightTime - now)) * nTargetSpacing +
(BlockHeightTime - now) * nSlowInterval) / 86400;
else if (now < BlockHeightTime) nIntervalDesired = nSlowInterval; // ahead by more than a day.
else nIntervalDesired = nFastInterval; // behind by more than a day.
// find out what average intervals over last 5, 7, 9, and 17 blocks have been.
avgRecentTimestamps(pindexLast, &avgOf5, &avgOf7, &avgOf9, &avgOf17);
// check for emergency adjustments. These are to bring the diff up or down FAST when a burst miner or multipool
// jumps on or off. Once they kick in they can adjust difficulty by a factor of nine or ten every ten blocks, and
// they can kick in very rapidly after massive hash power jumps on or off. The emergency speed-up adjustment uses
// shorter intervals for quicker reaction times measured in blocks - which when it's needed will be longer in
// minutes.
toofast = (nIntervalDesired * 3) / 4;
tooslow = (nIntervalDesired * 4) / 3;
if (avgOf7 < toofast && avgOf9 < toofast && avgOf17 < toofast)
{ //emergency adjustment, slow down
difficultyfactor *= 5;
difficultyfactor /= 4;
else if (avgOf5 > tooslow && avgOf7 > tooslow && avgOf9 > tooslow)
{ //emergency adjustment, speed up
difficultyfactor *= 4;
difficultyfactor /= 5;
// If no emergency adjustment, check for normal adjustment.
else if ((avgOf7 > nIntervalDesired && avgOf9 > nIntervalDesired && avgOf17 > nIntervalDesired) ||
(avgOf7 < nIntervalDesired && avgOf9 < nIntervalDesired && avgOf17 < nIntervalDesired))
{ // 3 averages too high or 3 too low. Doesn't matter which. This will be executed occasionally on the basis of
// random variation, even if the settings are perfect. It regulates one-fifth of the way to the calculated point.
difficultyfactor *= (5 * nIntervalDesired);
difficultyfactor /= (avgOf17 + (4 * nIntervalDesired));
// limit to doubling or halving.... though I'm pretty sure there are no realistic conditions where this will make a
// difference.
if (difficultyfactor > 20000) difficultyfactor = 20000;
if (difficultyfactor < 5000) difficultyfactor = 5000;
uint256 bnNew;
uint256 bnOld;
if (difficultyfactor == 10000) // no adjustment
bnNew = bnOld * 10000;
bnNew /= difficultyfactor;
if (bnNew > Params().ProofOfWorkLimit())
bnNew = Params().ProofOfWorkLimit();
LogPrintf("GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET\n");
LogPrintf("Actual time %d, Scheduled time for this block height = %d\n", now, BlockHeightTime );
LogPrintf("Nominal block interval = %d, regulating on interval %d to get back to schedule.\n",
nTargetSpacing, nIntervalDesired );
LogPrintf("Avg intervals of last 5/9/17 blocks = %d / %d / %d.\n", nTargetSpacing, avgOf5, avgOf9, avgOf17);
LogPrintf("Difficulty Before Adjustment: %08x %s\n", pindexLast->nBits, bnOld.ToString());
LogPrintf("Difficulty After Adjustment: %08x %s\n", bnNew.GetCompact(), bnNew.ToString());
return bnNew.GetCompact();