CS is not a brand. CounterStrike is a trademarked videogame. still not so much a brand.
CSC is a coin. A casino coin. That is more of a brand than a CS will ever be. Especially within the crypto-currency world.
The problem is how much all of that confuses itself into a pile of letters and BS.
CSCoin would even make 100,000% more sense if it was spelt with only two capitals, as in: CScoin. Or even CSOcoin.
CSCoin, as a name for our CounterStrike based coin itself, NEEDS to go.
There are too many things named CSCoin already.
Another coin for one.
And our Dev.
Your opinion has been noted, and outvoted.
Unless more people speak up feeling the same way, and view "CS" as a brand that cannot be misinterpreted. Even when spelt "CSC".
I think we will continue to look for a replacement name.
Still, I will count you as 1 vote towards keeping CSCoin. As is.
Even if that is dumb. lol.
@zmeddy... what is Megan Fox "not" doing in the HTML code. That is a better question.
"Adding a few basics will only take a sec." --- Thank you for volunteering!!! when can we expect you to be finished? OH. wait. A couple seconds, right? So. You're done??
but on the other hand.... I LOVE people with patience. Go figure.