we only have limit people to do the works, so if you guys want a decent coin website it's totally fine then we might need to delay the betting site a little bit..
thank you for responding.
We honestly need that. more often.
The problem is, that such a basic website should have been finished
before the launch.
It should not take long for anyone who has the skills necessary to make a VERY basic website that explains & markets our coin.
With links to the wallet... so maybe non-Bitcointalk-nerds can play too.
links to this thread maybe?
To be perfectly honest. Yes.
Please do get on that website immediately, or have someone from our team (we have a team?), to do it for you.
VERY basic.
Take your time improving it later, to make it "decent".
Get it up. So we can at least market the coin to others.
That cannot possibly detract from the betting site development by any significant time period, not any amount that is worth going without a marketing site for.
At the very least then we could push the coin on new Exchanges, and attract more people who have never heard of it before.
Stumbling on it at MarketCap does very very very little for that draw right now.
Not everyone uses Bitcointalk. Surprisingly.
All apologies CSCoin, if it seemed like I was coming down on you like a ton of bricks.
I am sure you probably are working very hard behind the scenes. So it is unfair for me to point fingers.
Except that from the POV of everyone here....
We see nothing being done. Nothing reported. And huge gaps. Like that website.
I do appreciate you replying, and addressing this.
please work with us, and be a much bigger part of the community.
That is what made CounterStrike what it is.
It can build this coin too.