For upgrade to v 18.0.1
Is the Sentinel upgrade required or will the payment be ok with just updateing dash core/bin without a Sentinel upgrade?
Second is it possible to implement a better PoseBan System...
The issue I have is.. I check each day once on Dash ninja if my mn's are still running.
The Pose jumps form 0 to 2500 in an instant and if it was some hours ago changes are big that in the morning after when I check it accumulated to over 4000 and result into a MN ban.
So it seems a daily Dash Ninja check is not helpfull at all. Would be nice to have a system wher you have at least 48 hourse before a ban or an idication sooner or anything.
I don't read the forum frequent anymore so I will not detect when there is a new version and relay a bit on an early Pose warning system.
Strictly speaking sentinel is not required, your node will not ban if you don't have it. The POSE system could be improved, but it won't be and not in the way you are talking about. If you are getting frequent bans it is because your node is misbehaving, the general solution to this is re-install the node using the Dash Masternode Zeus (on the forum) and then you wont have to check dash ninja ever again.
I am useing Zeus. I let it update the binary and restarted the Server. One Node had a Pose of about 2000 at that time.
Checked today .. it got banned.
Ninja still had listed it with v17 although Zeus logged the update with bins v18.
Seems with every update I run into ban trouble. That is frustrating.
Somehow I never see when the Version changes.
No I have no issues anymore in between the updates. Remember I posted here with you a time back and I activated an automatic daily MN reset. You helped me with that. That works very well.
Edit Update:
Hm seems my DiskSpace was full. Thank you for the DiskSpace freeing up feature of Zeus. That was handy.
I updated Zeus, bin and sentinel and reactivated the MN. Now Ninja lists it as 1.8.01 and port open so seems good.
A hint for all with full diskspace: Don't remove the Zeus and try to git it new.. it doesn't works when your disk is close to full. (had to manual execute commands from the zeus disk freeing method to recover on another node)
One difficult I hit when trying to update Zeus:
If I enter the git getting comando as you have it in the dash forum it refuses to execute it and says it will not get it into a directory that is not empty...
so I had to do rm -r TheDirectory to install it again.
Looking forward to the next update.