First sentinel command. My brain is exploding from what this thing is capable of
12:08:38 {master} ~/Desktop/projects/sentinel$ ./sentinel-cli --create="user" --name="blockchain-contract-evan-2016" --revision=1 --subclass="employee" --dash_monthly=233.32 --first_name="evan" --last_name="duffield" --address1="123 w. main ave" --address2="#123" --city="Phoenix" --state="Arizona" --country="US"
12:25:04 {master} ~/Desktop/projects/sentinel$ ./sentinel-cli --events_process=1
Processing queued events
('17', '7', '1461350402', None, None)
loaded event successfully
loaded govobj successfully
--cmd :
mngovernance prepare 1 1461352124 blockchain-contract-evan-2016 5b227b226c6173745f6e616d65223a20226475666669656c64222c202263697479223a202250686 f656e6978222c202266697273745f6e616d65223a20226576616e222c202276657273696f6e223a 20312c2022646173685f6d6f6e74686c79223a20223233332e3332222c2022636f756e747279223 a20225553222c20226164647265737331223a202231323320772e206d61696e20617665222c2022 6164647265737332223a202223313233222c20227374617465223a20224172697a6f6e61227d225 d;
LoL care to explain what this is to us mere mortals
Let me try to get a stab at why this is cool.
#1 This is a contract ... this is where most coins would start jumping up and down spewing Ether and Gas and sending out press releases....Evan says not good enough
#2 This is a contract tied to an identity(user)
#3 Since an identity is verified by name/address/city/state it opens the door for a
loan against that identity.Now we are closer to what Toknormal is pushing for,
flowscripts, like what is described in the "proof of labor" proposal. Basically, this allows a future contract tied to an identity. Or a way to start production with funds now payable in labor in the future. (I barely grasp this myself, but it is the start of something very big.)
See how it is cool now?
anyone out there from kickstarter?
anyone out there want to start a DASH powered kickstarter?
What I actually figured out how to do is create a decentralized relational database application using crypto, that's what sentinel is. So then we can create new types and setup relationships between them. But we'll be able to do that on the python side and on the fly.
Just to show you how insanely powerful this system is, I'll document how to setup 12.1 under the new system. First we'll create a governance object type of User(firstname, lastname, address1, address2, city, state, country), then we'll create subclasses of Employee and Manager.
So then to get network employment under this model we'll require Employees be managed by a primary and secondary manager. Employees will pick their primary and secondary managers, then negotiate a salary. Once each of them agree, they will be employed by the network.
Next there are no generic funding proposals or contracts anymore, there's only expense reports. These are reimbursed if the managers agree. So if I fly to a conference I would submit separate expense reports for each of the items (plane ticket, car rental, etc). What's really nice about this is it also solves the tax issues with working for the network. We'll be able to query the network and print out an exact report of what happened to file. In most countries we shouldn't be paying taxes when we're being reimbursed for a company expense.
This system can also assign reputation to users, companies, groups. We can start building the framework for evolution. The plan is I would have a record like "user-eduffield" that's also an employee and in the record there's a url to my personal server. We'll have Amazon AMIs and other images of a full-node based private server, these will allow you login and see your balance in Dash and USD. Then we can use robots to move money between USD (cryptocapital) and Dash (polo). After the transactions happen, the money is removed from the exchanges and stored locally.
Then we'll add user accounts to this system, so I could add my wife for example and then restrict her spending or something
This is like "Phase I" of our development (~6-10 months from having this thing below) , something like a generic decentralized bank-like entity. We want everyone to be able to take part of masternode shares programs and earn interest. I calculate the network should be able to pay in excess of 5% interest rate. It's far better than investing in the stock market at this point.
Phase II is where we'll have multiple user GUIs, masternode GUIs, business GUIs, etc. We want everything to be highly accessible and easy to use. The whole reason all of this will work well is because we'll be able to just query the database locally and get whatever data we want. How many active users are there? How many businesses? How much is being spent on holiday X?