Thank you for your answers.
This is
BETA version - we should definitely put that on the website.
At the moment we have one and only slot type and it costs 0.1 DASH. Having that in mind it would be too expensive to send back single instantX to each player at the current rate. We have talked about the
sendtomanyix command here: hope that it will be implemented at some point.
If we had slots that cost more, then it would make more sense to send InstantX transactions to all players. We are definitely going to add that in the near future, but as I said before, since it is BETA we would have to keep it this way for now.
One more issue is that we are not able to mix coins using dashd, so we can't send a lot of instantX transactions back to the users. Maybe that option exists but I am not aware of it?
InstantX provides nice liquidity for the games when players play - I agree, it is one way, but hopefully that will be improved in the future.
I definitely agree that we should add the option to deposit DASH via mobile wallets using QR Code. I like that idea a lot. We have discussed that already and I believe we will add it in the next version.