What do you mean exactly?
Well, bitcoin secures the blockchain with mining. Everyone competes for the right to check and add entries into the blockchain ledger and earn a reward, and the others check it. As long as nobody has the ability to predict that they will win the block a couple of times in a row or so, they shouldn't be able to double spend or insert things that don't belong in the chain. Otherwise it's just a ledger.
In Dash Evo, it will pretty much only be a competition to earn the reward and do the duty of entering transactions into the blockchain, no checking, no choosing (I believe). The entries will be checked and locked by a quorum of Masternodes. If the miner doesn't do what they say, it gets rejected. Why does this work? Because the MNs are chosen randomly and the quorum members check against each other.
So, sure, Solarminer, you could use something, a number, whatever in a newspaper to choose something like quorums, but the question is, where do you get the wide ranging, widely owned MNs or whatever you want to call them, to secure the ledger? You need a wide ranging network with many self interested parties to make this work. How does a bank get that?