Where's the problem? I'm just asking why masternode blinding hasn't been implemented by your lying scam dev who refuses to answer the question.
Ohhh .. uugg .. . ...why do I even bother... It's been explained before. Evan is not available to answer trolls, nor waste his time continuously explaining the same old stuff over and over. But for the sake of those people reading a new, and trying to make sense of this lunatic infected thread, here goes.
I'll do my best, in a nutshell, ALL info can be found, or asked, over at
www.dashtalk.org At the time of writing... there were 2 phone wallets being developed. One for iOS and another for Android. Both projects intended on including IX, which in turn need the 2nd tier Masternode quorum systems implemented.
By introdroducing MN blinding at the time, it would radically change the way these coders for these wallets would need to address this issue. Remember both of these are SPV clients, not full nodes, so it's an entire new world of hurt just to implement IX on an SPV client. SO it was postponed as having mobiles wallets seemed way more important, for obvious reasons.
But, after that time of writing, Evan found solution and new ideas to "problems", and quite frankly, Masternode IP obfuscation is not a priority. It's not a imminent security problem for anyone, it's just a fancy way so no-one know where the servers actually are. IF you're that paranoid, the Core is TOR ready, go for it.
And no, neither wallet actually managed to implement IX, FYI. It seems to be quite tricky business without a full client, as far as I know.
More important things needed to be done, and they were done, and the blinding was postponed. And now, with Evolution maybe not even wanted, Idk, I'm not a coder.
So I hope this answers your question and you go on into looking for new reasons to pick on Dash and Evan as the good socket-troll you are.