Party waiting to happen
Not waiting, for long
OK bro, let's party.
Boozefest at bigrcanada's winery, or what?
We Monero Mustangs are going to kick you DashHole cultists' asses in the crypto-volleyball match!
Challenge accepted.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Arrive at the Big R Canada Winery
Full wine tasting and endless appetizers
Dance Off
"Back in the Day" storytelling around the campfire
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Full breakfast featuring local wild game
More wine
Simulcast of Evan's address to the North American Bitcoin Conference in the Grand Ballroom
Volleyball match
More wine
Thursday, January 21, 2016
PM Big R to confirm your place. Priority will be given to known Monero Trolls with the fewest posts on this thread over the next 30 days. If no Monero Trolls RSVP, they are all forbidden to post on this thread.