How is "throwing mud" to point out the fact that Dash's launch was a fiasco of insta-mining? Do you want that information buried where noobs won't see it?
It's throwing mud because clearly your intent is to injure and harm.
You are ridiculously predictable in your posting style and content. For months and months you went on and on and on about the reference node; conjuring up all sorts of conspiracy theories that it's this massive centralisation and control scam perpetuated on the crypto community by Evan and that you're the only one telling the truth about how in one fowl swoop he can shutdown the entire Dash network (fud fud and more baseless fud). And for months we all pointed out it was being worked on and, would in time, be removed. Then, like almost everything the dev team puts their focus on, it was eventually removed and the need for a separate server eliminated when the function was incorporated into the V12 code.
And what came from you? Absolutely nothing! Not even a skerric of "good job, problem resolved", just nothing. Because it doesn't suit your agenda to acknowledge progress and people responding to areas needing improvement. That's why you're called a troll; your agenda is so very clear and it's not conducive to acknowledging progress in crypto where acknowledgement is warranted. (You're basically operating as a toxic person engaged in toxic destructive behaviour).
Instead of acknowledging anything that's good and done well, as each issue is addressed you just move onto the next gripe you can go on and on about. What is it IP blinding?
Your entire MO is about character assassination and destabilisation.
You see, you would actually have some credibility if you were more balanced but clearly Dash has wobbled you to pieces and you just can't stop yourself from attacking it. As I pointed out to Adam a few pages back, when we've all moved on from these early days, you're not going to be remembered for anything useful and constructive whereas Evan and many other long-time supporters of this community, (who've clearly applied themselves with diligence and a strong work ethic) will. That's your legacy; the most common form of mud-throwing failure that's been engaged in by humans across millenniums (in regards to Dash; you've obviously got a whole other mess in crypto to clean up too, but as you've often pointed out that's off topic).
There's an entire thread on Dashtalk where Evan explains the issues with mining and coin production that happened at the launch Clearly things didn't go entirely to plan as he was learning his way like many people launching cyrptos, but is it a scam? NO, of course it isn't and your continual characterisation of it that way is absurdly unfair. If it was, Evan would have dumped whatever darkcoin he had back at the first ATH. But he didn't and nothing so far in his character indicates he's involved in a scam. He's been probably the most diligent dev in all of crypto. You know that but it riles you!!! It gets right up yours and AdamW's noses!!! It hooks onto your innards and tugs at you!!! It's sooooo painful to see the success unfolding here. You simply can't stand it so hate hate hate is your response.
Honestly iCEBREAKER you could do so much better than this. Your lame suggestions of why you're continually in this thread throwing accusations like you do are just that, lame. Why don't you rethink what you're about and focus on something far more positive.