Apparently, as posted earlier, there is a popular game that is being illegally downloaded with a dash miner hijack in it where it's taking control of people's (probably pretty good gpu as the game requires it) and mining on This is causing, once again, for to have more than 50% of the hash, and these guys are finding a ton of the blocks (hence earning a ton of coins) and they're immediately dumping the coins they mine. This is also causing difficulty to be high.
So, I guess until those fools figure out they're paying the electricity bill and wear and tear on their computers for someone else's gain, and uninstall that game, this will continue.
So, we will keep bleeding and the DASH price will most likely continue to drop as long as a "illegal hijack" (I guess this is criminal, no?) is in place? And we do not only depend on Otoh's good will to keep the price at $2.00 but on the "fools figure out" someone placed a trojan to their systems???
Unless I am not understanding a word of what you're saying it can't get more delusional than that. (is this you Slawek??) should do something about it. Authors of the game should do something about it. The community should start combing the forums etc., connected with that "game" -- but sitting here and rolling our thumbs like it's a no big deal is suicidal.
Anyway, I don't really see any point in fretting over the price. If you're a trader, well, every price change is an opportunity, so I guess good luck there, but for people like me, it really doesn't matter. I've learned not to take it personally when the price drops. I used to get sad, feeling like we're over-looked, which we are. But now, I see it wouldn't matter anyway. It's going to do what it's going to do until adoption happens. I'm currently just hanging on to my coins and trying to find other ways to pay for my bills.
I won't sell at this price If a price drop is - partially or mainly - due to someone's criminal activity it is a reason to sound a red alarm.
But I do not really understand what's going on with that hijack (I'd greatly appreaciate if someone would venture to educate me / us on what all of that really means) so let me replay about point of fretting over the price.
A price is a VALUATION of the product. Given that DASH trades in a way that resembles stock markets or any other financial markets it reflects FUTURE VALUATION of the product. It gives it gravitas, value, a reason to invest. This is, after all, as Otoh wrote several messages above, an investment vehicle. Yesterday, the last time I checked, 52.48% of all DASH were 'locked in' Masternodes that are income producing (think bonds interest, Evan's old idea) investment vehicles.
So now think of an established company that rolled out an epic upgrade / new product. And imagine why would its price go down. (if it did NOT go up anticipating the news). Think of a startup that has gotten monies from an angel investor but after a major update no venture capital wants to give more, but instead is offering less? What that would be?
So, any long term negative price movement indicates that something is rotten.
And this is indeed a reason to fret and worry and ponder and look for a solution. If DASH would go to 0.001 as you claimed Otoh is capable of producing such a dramatic drop, do you really, honestly think it would survive because in five years from now it would be "adopted."
A bit of seriousness - on the business, marketing, market side - from the community is needed to, at least try to match the seriousness the developers are showing as they are leaping forward.
This is not a joke, Tante. You should know that. It is easy for me - I am out - and this discussion does not make me confident that I should go back. And I was into Darkcoin from the start. And I admire Evan. And I believe in the product. And I follow this thing in and out. So, how to you think all of that transpires would bode for someone who is pondering investing...