Pls make sure your wallets (cold and hot) have version !!
Update with version change for windows users with help of WINSCPHot wallet (Linux) :./dash-cli stop
replace old dashd with new winrar extracted dashd with help of WINSCP
add new winrar extracted dash-cli to same location as dashd with help of WINSCP
chmod +x ./dashd
chmod +x ./dash-cli
rm ~/.dash/peers.dat
./dash-cli getinfo
wait for full sync
Cold wallet (Windows) :replace old dash-qt.exe with new dash-qt.exe
delete peers.dat
start wallet
wait for full sync
Update with protocol change & command-option reindex for windows users with help of WINSCPHot wallet (Linux) :./dash-cli stop
replace old dashd with new winrar extracted dashd with help of WINSCP
add new winrar extracted dash-cli to same location as dashd with help of WINSCP
chmod +x ./dashd
chmod +x ./dash-cli
rm ~/.dash/peers.dat
./dashd --reindex
./dash-cli getinfo
wait for full sync
Cold wallet (Windows) :replace old dash-qt.exe with new dash-qt.exe
delete peers.dat
start wallet with commandline option -reindex
wait for full sync
issue "masternode start passphrase"
Hot wallet (Linux) :./dash-cli masternodelist full | grep -e SERVER_IP -e SERVER_IP -e etc.
Extra info from solarminer on dashtalk :
If anyone needs the command to check if multiple nodes are enabled you can use this and replace xx... with your IPs, pubkeys, or hashes. The "masternodelist full" is needed to display IPs now since the "masternode list" only
displays the hash-index. Since the "masternode list" command has reduced functionality, this needs to be clearly addressed in the release notes.
./dash-cli masternodelist full | grep -E 'xx.xx.xx.xx|xxx.xxx.xx.xx|xxx.xxx.xx.xx'
or if you just want a count of how many are running:
./dash-cli masternodelist full | grep -E 'xx.xx.xx.xx|xxx.xxx.xx.xx|xxx.xxx.xx.xx' | grep -c ENABLED
It could take a few hours on dashninja.pl to catch up but if masternode list addr | grep -e SERVER_IP shows "ENABLED" your good to go.
or type 'masternode debug' in remote wallet's (windows) console and see if it returns "successfully started masternode"
To check if your blockchain got synced correctly :
Blockchain Explorer 1 :
http://chainz.cryptoid.info/drk/Blockchain Explorer 2 :