From the very begining, DASH price has been pretty flat lined. We've had a couple of pumps back in May 2014 and March 2015. We are not a good trading coin, never have been. I didn't know anything about trading when I started here back in December 2013, and have learned a lot. Like you, I've gotten frustrated many times on the price. Especially because we're tight on money and I have to sell my masternode income each month to help pay bills (not much, but it always seems like the price goes down just when I want to sell! LOL) Anyway, I've since come to terms with it. It's not going anywhere until 1. the foundation of the coin is complete and stable with any attacks fixed and the whole project solidifies. 2. We begin the ad campaign. and finally 3. real adoption happens.
1 &2 should happen within the next 3-6 months and 3 should happen in the next 2-5 years.
In the meantime, I have to not lose my 2 masternodes and survive. Then maybe I'll have my retirement (fingers crossed).
But trading? Worrying about the price? I've resigned myself not to even think about it anymore. I just enjoy the excitement of the crypto currency and block chain evolution and learning from Toknormal, minotaur and all the rest of you.
I know a lot of people have bought above the current price. I was in that situation too, last year, and I think I'm pretty much where I bought some of my coins right now. And there is nothing I can think to say about that except I'm pretty sure we'll see DASH go up in price in the next 5 years. Either it's going to take the world by storm, or it'll fail and won't be worth anything. My money's on it taking the world by storm.
Right now 99.9% of the world have no clue what we're doing and why we're doing it. But soon they will see, eventually understand and finally become dependent on crypto currency because guv paper will devalue so badly due to mismanagement and corruption of the current system. But I can't tell you for certain it will go our way. If it hurts too much, you may want to cash out some of your coins the next time the price is high enough and do something more conventional. But these fluctuation, long term, mean nothing.
Just so you know, I also talked my young son into buying a masternode at the end of March for over $4 a coin. He lost well over $1000 now. But I can never judge the market, and you never know if it is going to break out and find a new bottom. So he bought it, and we sit and wait. We still think this is a good time to invest because of the potential for huge returns. But this will take a while, and we're willing to hang in there.
I don't trade, Tante - I only speculate on FOREX, over 51% of the time successfully
- and yes, providing this thing does not end up in the dust, even one MN would bring you (at this rate of return and at this dollar price) roughly $9,542.23 a year income on 20th year from now. (assuming you NEVER sell a single unit MN provides and keep creating MNs out of the profit; compounding really starts kicking in after 10 years)
So even with this price you are (I am, we are...) well positioned.
Alas, I just hate seeing an investment losing the purpose other than money. (and even more so if it loses the money) I made some real money on silver years ago (during the spike in April 2011, when it went over $40.00), sold it and never came back. I am still a huge believer in silver's value but the price does not reflect it because it is in clutches of Morgan Stanleys, J.P. Chases of this world and manipulated shamelessly. It lost its purpose. The people did not stand behind it and it now lingers aimlessly...
A Genius's Vision in Jeopardy (?)In our realm, I do believe Evan is a genius that comes once in a decade (or more) and this belief is my ONLY reason why I am staying with the investment I lost faith in, wanting to be proven wrong.
The shit (silence) going on with the video many of us forked some money for to be made is currently my biggest beef with the non-tech portion of the project; after the same people had buried the best brand ever, they are not making any visible progress with the video project. ("It is not Ben Hur, damn it, it's just a simple video")
But when I see your ideas (you're one of the most respected people in our community and for sure one of the people I respect the most) here and the time frame in your reply I became depressed. It seems like wishful thinking, almost myopic refusal to see the truth. "The ad campaign should happen within the next 3-6 months," statement by itself almost made me close the MN and leave this community for good. The video was supposed to be ready a while ago...
And in today's world, in which no one knows what would happen on this coming Monday, to hope "real adoption happens in the next 2-5 years" makes no sense at all. You, better than most, fully understand we (the people) are all being treated as enemies by our respective governments, all of which are hopelessly enslaved to the moneyed Overlords and do only what Voltaire said ("In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to another.”): steal and pillage from the weak, imprison defenseless, cheat on the world, kill at will and spy on us for their masters.
Satoshi Nakamoto RevolutionCrypto-currencies, starting with "Satoshi Nakamoto" and his
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System original paper started what had a chance to be a revolution, a "revolution of human consciousness,"** and our only hope, as humanity, to fight the Financial Crime Cartel and its sociopath insanity. What Evan has created (Darkcoin) resolving (almost) all the BTC problems has also given us a real tool I was ready to die for, rather to work for all my free time - a powerful, human oriented cash, money, store of value, means of exchange, that gives us freedom from the snooping eyes of Big Brother and its minions. A tool to build a new economy on. I simple want to buy a fucking book or sell my services without being traced by hundreds of sycophants in thousands of governmental and para-governmental institutions, not to mention their fascist, corporate Overlords and live and breathe free.
Let have some normalcy restored (yes, I'm invoking that proverbial, myopic, short-sighted and perhaps ultimately lethal misconception of this technology being used solely for nefarious purposes, a notion that killed the brand and with it my passion for this project and let me only as a suspicious investor) and let "them" prove that I am "guilty" if I had purchased a book, supported Wiki-leaks or Occupy or whatever that's legal by using Darksend. Fuck them all. Paypal, Amazon, all these idiotic criminals we seem to be unable to live without (in the so-called West, namely the U.S.) shot down Wiki-leaks finances and we had a chance to build a new society with those that are already sacrificing their lives and / or livelihoods for it, for that better world.
“Get very clear about the kind of world we would like and then start living that way,” Dr. Marshall Rosenberg wrote and he was correct.
We should have been (and we still have that chance) on the forefront of fight, offer the people to fund, support, purchase from, all these people like Snowden, Assange, Manning, Binney and many others, we should've been a tool for Occupy not only to fund itself but to have a means of communication without being spied on (that was a PEACEFUL, LEGAL protest, let us not forget that, a movement of the people the Overlords crushed mercilessly, treating them like cockroaches), we should've offer our support to the people like Hedges, Greenwald, Pilger and build a lunatic fringe that might be able to change the world. (and that would be, if anyone of these people would embrace us, a real marketing activity as well)
A lost chance (?)
And what we did instead? We, almost deranged, want a megalomaniac "mass adoption" from the VERY SYSTEM that deems us enemies. (and that while Bitcoin is hardy adopted at all, on a large, global scale of trade) How short-sighted, how blind for the realities of this world. A merchant cowering before the lowest IRS bureaucrat will put our logo to his or her store and accept our digital cash just like that? Give me a fucking break.
I think we have lost a historical, once in a life time chance to be a part of something big, to create something big. Instead we opted for a compromise with a devil. Sure, this thing might end up being a part of a mainstream, adopted, tweaked and twisted, and even successful and we'll all be happy slaves of the system that gobbled us up for our MN are giving us some meager or modest or spectacular income (and this is my investor's speculation) but a perspective of this outcome saddens me even more than the perspective of my MNs value goes to zero.
Sic transit gloria mundi, I always say
** "Without a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness, nothing will change for the better in the sphere of our being as humans, and the catastrophe toward which this world is headed -- be it ecological, social, demographic, or a general breakdown of civilization -- will be unavoidable.”
Václav Havel, Czech President,
(addressing a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. on February 21, 1990)