Wow this may be the best DASH <-> EURO Gateway we have. I would prefer SEPA 0% deposit and 3€ withdrawal is very good! and if you need to buy fast 1€+6% seems ok too (but lets say 100€ volume -> 7€ fee would still hurt me).
How they can handle paypal? though they ban all crypto related businesses.
Please keep us updated with your experiences. DASH <-> EURO and SEPA support ,easy verification of SEPA - one TX of EURO 0.05 to one of their bank account , and limit is gone . . .
but their exchange rates are not so good.
i tested usecryptos, withdraw to paypal... and man im disappointed, they send "non-gift" way, so now my balance is pending, release date 19.Jully
This is some bullshit tbh, i'll just stick with virvox if i want to fast deposit crypto to euro to my bank