Your theory is suddenly looking like a simplistic tautology and doesn't help us predict the value of DASH in fiat in the future.
There's nothing "sudden" about it.
tautological theory of altcoin valuation => .012n/n == .012
Please apply your theory and tell us the USD value of 1 DASH on Sept. 1, 2015
s1gs3gv it's very easy for confirmation bias to set in to a community like this one and for everyone en masse to be fooled into believing they're on a pathway to success, when they're in fact all heading for a calamity that the confirmation bias's "don't listen to dissenting voices" aspect facilitates. I for one, want to have my views challenged and want to be surrounded by people that expect and welcome constructive criticism to help refine and hone the objectives we're working on.
However, there's a big difference between putting up sound competing arguments versus an overly negative stance that's contentious purely to put shit on someone else's good work. If I was to draw a line where at the left hand end there is "Offering constructive criticism to help engender robustness and improvement" and at the right hand end there is "I just think it's shit and I'm going to throw stones at it" I'd have to say I believe you're somewhere right of the middle point on that scale.
Toknormal is a prolific poster in this thread and brings much needed commentary to the nature of what crypto is, what potential improvements to the world's financial system it offers, the minutiae of how the various monetary properties of an asset that can be both a store of value & a mechanism for trade have been incorporated into Dash and how all this is related to the current situation the world is in. I for one have learnt much from his musings and I really appreciate the time and effort he puts into educating us.
Is he an oracle? Is he a guru? No, of course not (and he'd be the first to acknowledge that) but he does think things through pretty carefully before he posts and he sticks to logic and unemotional clarification of his views when he's criticised. In one of his last posts responding to you he said:
Here's a suggestion. Do some work of your own in that regard, post your analysis here and I'll kick your tyres for a change
And basically that's where this conversation is now at. He's put in the hard yards to explain himself and elaborate on his views. If you believe we're all kidding ourselves here with this project and crypto is as lame as the tenor of your posts suggest, give us a detailed understanding of where our thinking is flawed and what external knowledge/factors back up your viewpoints. And by 'detailed' I mean more than just two or three throw-away sentences like you've been doing. Elaborate on what you're talking about and add value to your arguments in the same way as Toknormal does.